The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Biden should challenge Trump to a bike race. Call him a wimp if he won’t do it.


I’ve been camping and haven’t really followed the Biden bike thing, but it looks like he was using clipless shoes and pedals (which, like nonplussed, means the opposite of what you think and your shoes ARE actually clipped into the pedals).

Really easy to fall over if you aren’t used to them. I tumbled 3 times learning to ride with them, all at a standstill.

Why would you want this unless you were in a race?

Actually, I’m mistaken and he’s using toe clips, which are a real pain in the ass.

I ride clipless on my road bike for a couple of reasons. You can get power on the upstroke, so instead of pedaling by pushing down, you pedal in a complete circular motion. Your feet are always in the correct position on the pedal and bike shoes have super stiff soles so more power transfers to the pedals.

When you’re riding 40+miles every little thing helps.

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I guess that makes sense. Hard for me to imagine it on my own since I derive no utility from bike riding and avoid it completely.

I haven’t ridden one in 30+ years (maybe there is an exception in there that I’m forgetting at the moment). It’s entirely possible I actually have forgotten how to ride one.


The debt still legally exists whether it is on the credit report or not. This is the most Dem brained dogshit I have ever seen.

If the debt exists, one hears it, does it.make a sound?


I don’t think it was a Dem idea. I could be wrong, but I don’t think it was the result of any sort of legislation. I think including this debt hampered banks’ ability to lend, so this was a solution that they sought. But maybe not. When did CFPB start pushing for it?

This is not the kind of thinking that establishment corporate Dem types want to be encouraging.

Holy shit, what did Biden say to them?

Except Biden is a corporate eDem. Maybe they’re not Boogeymen.

I finally did one too many Joe-falls and took them off. I only ride casually if at all these days.

On my first ride clipless I did a tumble at a standstill at an intersection while a bunch of high school kids were crossing the street. They suppressed their laughter long enough to ask me if I was okay.

Now I’ve gotten really good at unclipping real early when I’m coming to a stop.

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I hear it’s just like riding a bike.

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From the Rupar/Dale thread


So I assume that means they also arrested 5 times as many people for being brown while alive in America.

Wait, a republican is saying this is a bad thing? Is it opposite day? I don’t understand this tweet.

Whenever drugs are intercepted or someone is arrested at the border, these fools say that proves Biden/Dems are encouraging such crossings.

I only see these when someone on the other side quote tweets and points out that the bad guys/activity was stopped.

But I assume whoever follows Issa et al lap it up.

Weird. I interrupted it as “Biden administration is doing good job arresting terrorists at the border”.

These people are dumb.

Everything is a sign that Biden and Dems are WEAK ON CRIME AND THE BORDER and Trump and Republicans are TOUGH ON CRIME AND THE BORDER. If Donnie Dumb Dumb was President, additional border arrest would be proof that their policies are working (WE GOT 'EM!) and fewer border arrests would be proof their policies are working (THESE BAD HOMBRES FROM MEXICAN COUNTRIES ARE SCARED OF DEAR LEADER!)