The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Joe Biden is this generation’s Yoko Ono?


He just lost the tween vote.


So maybe they’re going with the “we are providing financial certainty to Americans saddled with an anchor of student loan debt around their necks. American resiliency. Pride. Dignity. Loan payments restart now.”

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Even if it doesn’t I think they deathly fear any forgiveness being blamed for extending/worsening inflation; cancelling loans would obviously be an action directly attributed to Biden’s admin and the GOP will hammer it regardless. Democrats are still frustratingly guided by fear of repubs’ response and attacks.

I still have a gut feeling they don’t have a good plan to address higher education funding for the future, and they’re just kicking the can because they can’t figure it out. So the standard eDem cowardly play is to do nothing.

My wife just got that email too. They restart 2 months before the midterms!!! What in the everloving fuck are they thinking? Easiest play ever at this point is just to fucking extend until January or something.

It’s a lot easier to have the excuse of not having the trifecta. That’s gotta be the logic.

Why would restarting loan payments stop inflation.

Energy costs doubling. Moronic off shoring and just in time inventory systems. Price gouging. But yeah it’s US consumer spending that’s driving it.


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They don’t think it’ll help inflation, they think it’ll slow down the Great Resignation. They only care about the wealthy and corporations. Fucking everyone else over is the point. If they lose an election they lose an election, they don’t care. The other side takes care of the important people too.


I guess I don’t follow how pausing student loan payments (for almost all working-age people) causes people to resign from their jobs.

I’m not saying it does. I’m saying that I think the administration and the wealthy want to put financial pressure on people to keep them from job-hopping.

Wasn’t there an article posted recently about the Fed doing that?

The current democratic coalition is highly reliant on educated millennials so of course they’re going to fuck up and alienate them because the entire eDem agenda is aimed towards nonexistent rust belt swing voters.

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Fixed that for you.

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Yeah, I think the answer is simpler. It’s fucking ineptitude and stupidity.

It’s almost as if the ruling class needs to maintain a subsistence working class in order to afford that fourth home.

$15/h upsets the natural balance.

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i still think it’s all just because the Biden admin had only one plan… they thought that if they got in, the pandemic would end because they surely would manage it better than Trump. and when that didn’t magically occur they have yet to come up with another plan…

they REALLY want to shout “Biden got us BACK TO BUSINESS!” or some other dumb slogan. they probably already had the banners made. and they haven’t been able to do that.

there was absolutely zero plan for when the pandemic to still be raging in mid 2022 other than just ignoring it now, and they have absolutely no idea how to deal with the economic fallout.


Them not shouting “Back to Business” has nothing to do with the current state of the pandemic. We are in fact back to business, in overdrive no less. It’s likely because taking a victory lap on COVID was never key to their plans.

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They want cheap labor. They don’t like workers having any leverage whatsoever. In the long run, that’s a big threat to their profits. Short-term demand doesn’t matter in a few years.


What if we had just killed MBS when the JK stuff went down. What would have happened?

This is definitely part of it.

Another big part is that they have no plan for how to deal with the specific numbers in the senate right now.

If there were 48 D senators, that’s easy. Just blame everything on Mitch’s obstruction. If there were 58, you could probably bully your agenda harder.

Having 50 is an admittedly tough spot, but Biden set himself up for failure by being the guy that campaigned on “we can work together and get things done”. Now (as Bernie, Warren, and this entire forum already knew years ago), Biden realizes that no, we can’t “work together” and is now trying to make the case that we need two more senators or whatever.

Not an inspiring message when almost everyone’s quality of life is decreasing.

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The move comes shortly after the CFPB made the case to have the debts removed from credit reports, and said it would begin “scrutinizing” the three major credit bureaus.

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