The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

I know. I know the GOP is going to lie, steal, gerrymander, oppress voters. I know that. I don’t know you keep thinking I think everything will be on the up and up LOL.

Also, if Trump wasn’t POTUS, none of these guys would be in prison right now. So it does have an effect.

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I think the precedents being set and the cooked courts are examples of things that have already happened that will not be resolved in our lifetimes, or maybe even our kid’s. I am mostly speaking post trump. Trump barely even matters anymore, IMO. The damage has been done, both to our system and to the American psyche.

edit: totally forgot about how we completely missed the window for any meaningful advance on battling climate change. That’s likely too late now as well.

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Doesn’t really matter.

I have a 13-year old and nearly 11-year old and they’ve known for several years how bad Trump and the Republicans are. I don’t go so far as to say WAAF, but I just try to educate them once in a while on the basics of why, say, Trump is so bad. And they understand.

Mostly, I do it for the comedy I get from my youngest.

When Jon Ossoff was running for our House seat, we had a yard sign for him. My wife took the kids out to dinner with some of our friends. The dad, who wasn’t there, is a Trumper and has influenced his kids (we don’t think the wife is). The kid my son’s age, who is a bit of a dick, commented on the sign, saying something like, “Ew, you like Ossoff? Democrats want to kill everybody.”

My son’s retort - he was what, 8 at the time?: “Yeah, well Trump wears a button that says, ‘I heart trucks.’”


Lol. Hahaha. Hejehrhehehe

Future presidents

Wish scotus would make him eat his words.

My kid likes Vic Berger videos, too. He’s the perfect audience. He’s crazy smart, intellectually curious, loves creativity, and looks down on willfully stupid people.


Yeah, I keep them insulated from the worst. It’s like letting them believe in Santa a bit longer. They’ll figure it out eventually. I can keep them educated, but I don’t have to destroy their little psyches.

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Live feed of JohnnyTruant:


In my worse moments I often think the reason we have such shitty politicians across the board and across the world is because the people who really know whats going on know its way past the point of no return and are just making sure they get what they can to cushion the effects when the inevitable shit hits the inevitable fan. And having corrupt imbeciles in power makes that easier.

Don’t often dwell on that tho because

  1. it a bit conspiratotial lizard people type shit and
  2. the 54 years I have been on this earth have taught me that people are in the main selfish ignorant arseholes (a group I am in I admit) and we are just at that stage of development where actually being that way can fuck up the whole damm planet.

Me (and probably a lot of us) in the late 2000s: I don’t see how the GOP is going to survive post-Dubya.

PS: Not trying to piss on your parade. I really hope I’m wrong and you’re correct and that you get to rub it in our faces in the future. I just don’t see the same way forward you do.

it’s perplexing to me that trump even cares about “getting impeached” when he knows for a fact that he’ll never be convicted and removed. like he seems to believe the impeachment vote will be some sort of stain on his legacy, but his entire legacy is one big stain from inheriting the only profitable business he ever touched after 50 years in business, running a grossly racist presidential campaign, and governing like a childish moron, it’s all stain already.



omg fuck yes lmao





“hey kids, we know it’s the afternoon right before an extra long weekend and you all are super hyped up to socialize with your friends but here’s an aging nude model illegal immigrant married to the racist dipshit bully in the whitehouse who was caught cheating on her with a porn star in the most public way imaginable and she’s gonna give you a lecture about being more thoughtful about how you treat others.”


The simple answer is he is very stupid. His response to Mueller getting appointed was “I’m fucked” which didn’t really make any sense given what we know now and how strongly the party had his back. I initially was going to write a long post about how his whole view of government and what is actually happening is different from reality, but honestly at the end it just gets summed up as he’s stupid.


like his people or his own fascist-savant brain came up with a really good defense, “if the socialist democrats want me out of office, that means i’m winning”

but he delivers it with such desperation that you just know he’s guilty af.