The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Court, rul-ings,
What are they good for?
Absolutely nothing!

Court, rul-ings,
What are they good for?
Absolutely nothing!
Say it again, y’all!

Court, rul-ings,
What are they good for?
Absolutely nothing!
Listen to me!

Wrong… The answer is The Poor

Past few days have been nuts here. I’m getting tired of it too.

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Huh? That doesn’t make any sense. If anything, our court system favors the wealthy.

Resigning is such weak sauce garbage. He just gets to install loyalist hacks, making things even worse.

See, e.g., everyone who has resigned and been fellated by the media for their coded after the fact criticism and “scorching” resignation letters.


OK guys, sorry. We totes got him. Any day now! Everything’s going to be great.



That’s not what I mean and you know it.


No I don’t. Grue wanted less WAAF and you agreed. Is that referring to something other than the negativity about where things are headed?

It refers to the fact that you “know” where things are headed but in reality you don’t have a fucking clue. None of us do. But doom and gloom is your forte so have at it.

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Have you been paying attention to the last 3-4 years? We have a sample size to analyze in terms of where things are headed, whether subpoenas matter, whether lawbreaking matters, whether court rulings matter, etc… So far everything either matters way less than we hoped or gets drawn out so long that by the time it does, potentially, matter, it may be too late.

The GOP=The courts are good for locking up the poors and helping the rich and court ruling be the same.


That’s our British humor Cuse… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::beers::v:

I am paying attention. Are you? 6 people in Trump’s orbit are in prison, going to prison, or went to prison. A judge ordered McGahn to testify yesterday. The SCOTUS is speeding up a case on his tax returns which will probably be heard in early 2020. Trump is growing more and more erratic by the day. He’s lashing out because he’s scared and not in control. He hasn’t golfed in over a month. There’s a chance his dementia addled brain will be confined to a wheelchair soon enough. He can’t stand for more than a few minutes at a time so there is absolutely no way he holds a debate next year. He is already making fewer and fewer public appearances. His base is never leaving him but I have always said fuck his base. Meanwhile more and more people will see him for what he is- a syphilis diseased gollum that is trapped inside his own rotting corpse of a brain.

To be fair, I would agree with everything you are saying if Trump was 53. But he’s not. He’s a 73 year old 300 pound fat fuck that is clearly showing signs of cognitive decline over the past 3-4 years. And that decline is accelerating fast enough to the point where even Nancy Pelosi is telling the public to pray for his health.

So yea, maybe I’m a cockeyed optimist but I’m not all in on the WAAF train just yet.


Two weeks from now people will be calling up Preet’s podcast and asking why Nancy isn’t holding McGahn in inherent contempt and Preet & Ann will have themselves a good chuckle.


I am usually very WAAFy but lately feel like the trump train is spiraling a little bit out of control, almost to the point where it won’t be able to stop itself. Maybe it’s already there. But typically with narcissist blowups this is how it goes and feels towards the end. I feel headway is being made, but it’s probably far too late. The difference is I don’t really care anymore. I just truly don’t. It’s too unhealthy to care. I just want to be able to point and laugh at every trumper when it eventually becomes obvious to literally everyone he’s gone insane or is a fraud or both.

They’ll come up with some victim complex thing and turn him into a martyr, I’m sure, but I’ll still get to laugh. That’s all that keeps me going.

So less WAAF for me lately because it’s becoming increasingly difficult even for the most ardent to stand by this dumpster fire. Even the super devoted trump guy I work with (who, curiously, is an immigrant) who can usually argue circles around any ridiculous subject and is a master of the bad faith argument is having trouble lately and has actually taken the bold step to criticize and rebuke the president on more than one occasion lately.

You can fool everyone some of the time, or some people all of the time, but you can’t fool everyone all of the time. We’re getting there. It’s just too late.


I don’t think it’s too late jm but then I have 2 teenagers so I gotta think that.

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This has changed things for ~6 people. Don’t confuse a few instances of not losing with actually winning. We shouldn’t accept defeat, but we’re definitely not winning right now. We’re still drawing live to stolen elections, canceled elections, losing elections fair and square, and more.

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I bowed out in around 2000 because I seen the shit caused by Oil and thought it was the WAAF and tbh here in the UK we haven’t had a left wing government since the 50’s.

Now I have hope, because here the young are listening more and understand better that we the left need to fight and fight like you’ve never fought before.


Not saying its wrong, but I’m loving the “guys everything might actually work out, the president is losing his mind!” takes.

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Yup… Its never to late to fight back, don’t give up and help each other along the way, forgive petty arguments for productivity and celebrite any wins like you won the World Cup :beers:
Be resilient, be strong for the weak, be yourself when alone and fight for the group when with the group.
And remember we can never win outright, but we can lose with being petty.


I think this is where I disagree with a lot of people here. I personally don’t think Trump will be physically able to be president much longer. Back in 2016, he was going to rallies on a daily basis and holding 4 or 5 press conferences a week. We just don’t see the public appearances by Trump anymore. If Trump has dementia, which I think he does, he is closer to the end than the beginning. So for me, I don’t think Trump will be POTUS much longer. He’s 73. How many dictators gained control in their 70’s? We are lucky he’s not 20 or 30 years younger. If he was, I would truly say WAAF.

So assuming Trump won’t be POTUS much longer, that blows a giant hole in the GOP. The Trumpkins don’t GAF about anything other than Trump. The Boomers are dying more and more each day that goes by. The younger people are getting pissed and rallying around the AOC types.

Maybe it is too late but I don’t see how the GOP survives post Trump.

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