The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Tbf she has probably made more than 15 million jobs available for workers in China

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Very likely that the most politically damaging thing that ever happened or will happen to Trump was the pussygrabber tape and that basically did nothing. Lol at thinking this is finally the time we got him over an illegal phone call.

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I mean the guy committing blatant campaign finance fraud using campaign funds to pay off a porn star amounted to what? That’s right, nothing.


The stuff that Gates is dropping today is actually in Muller’s report, FWIW.


Nothing? Seriously? I mean he barely won with white women.


Did they win all of the dinner / lunch lotteries of the Trump campaign???


This isn’t even an exaggeration. There won’t be a charge, there won’t be a fine, there won’t be anything.

I thought he was going for “exoneratio”, the twitter ratio you get when your total exoneration tweets get blown up by a former staffer of yours testifying that you lied under oath.


Fun fact about the exoneratino, should it exist: despite being a spin 1/2 particle, it can only ever be observed in the spin +1/2 state. Unlike all other spin 1/2 particles, it can never have negative spin.


I think people assuming they know what the result will be from public hearings are jumping the gun.

A few data points: they killed Nixon.

But, Nixon didn’t have Fox, and see Mueller, Access Hollywood tape, 15k lies, grifting, etc.

I’m cautiously optimistic that public hearings will reach 20% of casual trumpists and he’ll find a way to implode.

If nothing else, I want votes on the record, particularly in the Senate.



We just need to invoke a continuous cycle where there is bad news for Trump and he over-reacts, leading to even more bad news and another over-reaction. I feel that some Democrats in Congress are afraid of pushing this because it might end in him dropping literal bombs before enough people turn on him, but I’m willing to risk it. We should be speeding up this process.


Do people like that ad? Someone else tweeted it upthread. I thought it was too wonky/clever to be effective with anyone who isn’t already on the impeachment train.

If I were Pence, I’d be getting my ‘go bag’ ready.

You forgot the big ones e) wealthy f) racist

I’m going to be really up front that I don’t believe hardly anyone will have read these transcripts. They have only been in the press a short amount of time, and they’re scouring for info as opposed to reading. They’ve dropped probably 4000 pages in the last week. I read the Mueller report, and it took me two weeks. It was 440 pages. I’ve read 1000 pages in transcripts, and am hoping to maybe get through another 300 pages or so of another one before Taylor testifies tomorrow.

This stuff is going to be brand new to most people. Taylor, Kent, and Yovanovitch are all excellent start off witnesses, and I’m guessing they’ll bring in people like Cooper and Croft later to do the boring parts. Ultimately they’ll probably end with Vindman and all the rest of the big fact witnesses who will be forced to testify when they lose McGahn. I think it’s unrealistic to think this phase of it is going to be less than a month.

Some of the testimony, such as Fiona Hill, puts some distance between Trump and the scandal (solely because she doesn’t know and is skeptical that Sondland was really talking to Trump). Mulvaney has 50 feet of dirt on top of his grave based on every person who’s given a deposition. Volker just played off everything as no big deal, when he was ground zero. This is going to get needlessly complicated, when the simple thing is that first Trump tried to bribe Zelenskyy to get the investigations. When that moved too slowly he extorted military aid to get the investigations.

The GOP played for the fact that the transcripts would be released to the public. They tried to put all kinds of conspiracy theories in, in addition to trying to out the whistleblower. Not a single witness helped their case on the conspiracy stuff, and all said the conspiracies were baseless. Volker did the worst saying, ‘what could be so bad about having an investigation to show that nothing went on?’ basically. This is why the GOP wants him as a witness.

My understanding is that Gym Jordan replaces Nunes on the Intel Committee. Nunes does not want to be on public display. Trust.

This isn’t happening. Everything the GOP has tried is absolutely failing. If you followed news coverage closely you would know that all they’re trying to do is distract and make you try to believe that what you’re seeing is not what you’re seeing. Trump’s trying to drop a different transcript that has nothing in it, to try to say ‘that’s what we were talking about all along’. We’re in a 2 day news cycle for things like Syria(!), and impeachment has been the top story or near top story for nearly 8 weeks. They’ve settled on it’s not a crime if it didn’t complete, and that it’s not a crime. They’re stupid.

FYP. Vindman has already testified about this call. He called it positive, and said the tone on the second call was radically different.


In the days before LOL, you would just spoiler Not.

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This is all blurring together to me but didn’t Cohen pay off Daniels? I’m forgetting how campaign funds were involved.

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Cohen was reimbursed out of campaign funds if I am remembering correctly.

Ok, boomer.