The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Yes, Cohen used campaign $$$ to pay off Daniels. Cohen was the bag man.

Edit: technically he gave her his money and then the campaign reimbursed him.

It was an illegal donation in kind to the campaign, campaign funds weren’t used. And Trump paid back Cohen, if I recall correctly. That was like 17 scandals ago, so who can be sure?

Or am I wrong? Others seem to remember differently. I hate that there are so many scandals to try to remember all the details of. I can’t keep it all straight despite staying on top of it, so you just know the general public is clueless.

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Okay, baby boomer.

Tragically unhip you are.

That’s what I thought. No actual campaign funds used. Just illegal contributing.

I’m a proud millennial, sir.

Ya I mean if we can’t even keep it all straight what chance does your average casual have. That is the very heart of the cheat code that the Trump Republicans have stumbled upon. Do all the crimes all the time and there is no time or energy to effectively investigate any of them, let alone all of them (or even remember them). The Stormy scandal broke in 2018 which is also mind blowing, it seems a lot longer ago than that.

I thought trump reimbursed him.

So hard to keep track of all this crap.

not a boomer

This is excellent

This too

It’s hard to say what will move the needle with Always Trumpers, if anything.

Is inspiring people who support impeachment a bad thing? I believe it’s an essential component to changing minds that could ever be changed.


Yeah Trump bitched about Mueller but turns out Trump could not have possibly gotten a better person to investigate him.

Dems should play that ad on every channel, daily, from now to election!




Serious question: Who would have done a better job than Mueller that the GOP would have allowed?

Remember when Avenatti 2020 was a thing until we discovered he steals from paraplegics and smacks women around?


Wasn’t Bill Barr someone who would take his constitutional responsibility seriously for a second?

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Prob some R seats he can run for


Jeff Sessions needs a worthy opponent

yes but iirc he allegedly accounted it as legal fees which is the basis of the state investigation and Mazars accounts subpeona going to SCOTUS.

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