The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Cohen set up a shell company to pay Daniels. Trump then reimbursed Cohen. The campaign finance violations came in because the proximity to the election means that the payments were considered in-kind contributions to the campaign that both exceeded the allowable $ limits and were not properly disclosed.

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A lot of people thought Barr was a hack. It was brought up in his confirmation. He said, I look at myself as independent, not beholden to anyone. Most of the GOP interpreted that to mean that he could go against Trump (like it would have mattered to them anyway). What it really meant was that he could go against the Constitution and not give a shit.

There were quite a few MSNBC prosecutors who worked for Barr who gave him the benefit of the doubt in the run up to the Mueller report release, and were subsequently quite embarrassed. Several people who worked for him saw right through it, and knew he was up to something.

Lol not sure that is a perfect strategy. Seems like a whack strategy that would accomplish the GOP goal of distraction and misdirection.

Not to mention if Jordan was a democrat he would have been run out of office but the republicans do big care at all.

Trump could have just paid Stormy her hush money from his own personal funds and this wouldn’t have ever been a thing.


He couldn’t even pay for his son’s Boy Scout fee, whatchootalkinbout?

Eh, I just don’t see how bringing this up in that kind of hearing accomplishes anything. It won’t stop Jordan from spouting his nonsense.

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Trump approval Rasmussen November 4-6: 50%

Trump approval Rasmussen November 7-11: 44%

womp womp



Okay time to move on, stop focusing on Russia. Who cares if the US President was bought and paid for by Russia and delivered non stop since taking office. We should just move on because reasons.

If we are playing remember when…


Linzie will just look like a sooper genius when all his original stuff comes to pass. Of course, he’ll try to make you forget about all the stuff he’s said since.

Except that there would have been a more direct paper trail between Trump and Stormy. Think how many more steps have to be taken to unravel the payouts when you launder it through your lawyer (or, in the case of other women, the National Enquirer) and it makes sense that Trump would want Cohen to handle it.

Even now, I’m not sure you could actually get a conviction against Trump and that even with the assumption that Cohen testifies and the knowledge (that Trump didn’t have at the time) that Cohen was dumb enough to be recording criminal effing comspiracies.

There was an update to the story after the tweet was made:

UPDATE (2:30 p.m.) — GoFundMe has released a statement to CBS 42 regarding Hutchinson’s page, which they claim is still active:

“The campaign is active and Mr. Hutchinson is permitted to withdraw the funds. The funds are being held by our payment processor until Mr. Hutchinson’s banking information is added to the campaign,” said Madeline Purdue, a communications associate at GoFundMe.

The article also says

As of Monday afternoon, the GoFundMe had reached nearly $40,000.

It’s up to $44,570, and the comments on the GoFundMe probably cause cancer.

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So the bit about not being able to use GoFundMe to get out of legal trouble is actually not true?

Stephen Miller is the Facebook of the administration.

Lunched --and they were eating lunch like you couldn’t believe. they launched revolutions in technology, especially with regards to food.

It’s hard to tell because they don’t actually have rules anywhere that I could find but they’ve claimed in the past to shut down campaigns that break laws.

I know that with that idiotic “We The People Will Fund The Wall” campaign they shut it down because it was obviously a scam but then let people opt-in to being scammed.

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Opps I didn’t mean to quote @otatop there :joy:

Turns out ANYBODY