The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

You’re live streaming a criminal conspiracy?


I appreciate this, but the court will likely issue an expedited transcript before long (even today), so you likely don’t have to type.

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The headline…

New York City Bar Calls for US AG William Barr’s Recusal in Ukraine Matter

If Barr does not recuse himself, the bar association’s statement said, “he should resign or, failing that, be subject to sanctions, including possible removal, by Congress.”



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Going after never Trumpers seems like a good way to lose a number of senators. I’d imagine >50% of GOP senate staff, including most or all of McConnell’s staff, are never Trumpers. These are important members of the “deep state”. Trump always plays in the moment, but always puts himself in a worse position.

Now a process to hold him to account is underway and he’s betraying allies, encouraging adversaries, stripping congress of power, and upending decades of “consensus” foreign policy with no plan. He is fucking with McConnell and making his life miserable more than Barack ever could. I really cannot imagine that he hasn’t permanently alienated 20+ GOP senators.

And, say if he manages to escape impeachment with a 40-60 vote, how is that any different than actual impeachment. It’s arguably worse for the GOP.








Why can’t they just tell him impeachment is political and not criminal? You’d think that would be perfect for him to understand.

Obviously this. Republicans are so much better at playing the game. They know they will face no consequences for their actions here. So they get the benefit of shifting the news cycle somewhat AND making it look like they are actually doing something to their base.

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I am sure others noted but the SCOTUS has to hear it this session as agreed by both sides. So if they decline to hear it now then the stay is lifted and they get the tax returns.

I’m not sure if this SCIF storming thing is actually illegal. At least not for the reasons being presented. It’s illegal to enter a SCIF if you’re not on the access roster, but I would think all members of Congress are. I have a SCIF at work and we don’t change the access roster depending on what meeting is being held there. Presumably I could enter a meeting I’m not supposed to be in and everyone would probably just be like “What are you doing here, get out” but I wouldn’t be arrested. If I stayed as some kind of protest I would be fired, which seems like an option here as well, although not politically practical. Obstructing an impeachment investigation is illegal but no more than what’s been going on for months with no consequences. Of course I could be wrong about the legal implications because barging into the SCIF when I shouldn’t be there isn’t something I’ve put much thought into, also I don’t know how the SCIF at the Capitol works. But I’m leaning towards this being more of a House rules issue unless someone can provide more conclusive info.

This happened to my brother about 10 years ago. He entered the wrong room and everyone immediately stopped talking. I think he got written up for it but that was as far as it went.

But this is different. This is 20 people storming a meeting from 3 different entrances on command by the president. They also had electronic devices that is prohibited.

Trump has tried to get employees of State and Defense not to testify in the impeachment probe. They have been testifying, and the result has been devastating. Impeachment is moving forward and at least half of Americans are in support. Even if it’s not immediately fatal, it will ultimately fatally wound him.

The subpoena action is moving forward. NY prosecutor will win the appeal. Trump needs to win at the SCt, or his returns will be produced to the DA. It would not be easy for the SCt to throw Trump a bone here. They may do it, but it will not be easy, and there will be consequences.

25 GOP House members acting unruly is nothing. Just a show that will only increase the resolve of witnesses, the committee, and likely the Senate.

Trump is Really unpopular, and independents are starting to get it. Importantly, the people among whom he is popular are the people whose power is rapidly decreasing, mainly the old and uneducated. This is the last stand of the idiocracy.

That’s not to say that Trump has not done lasting damage, especially to the courts (allies will get over Trump, but because he’s an aberration and it’s in their interest to), but we always knew he would do lasting damage. The good news is that the system, with some significant exceptions (lol, Barr), is working and he will be crushed.