Trump won’t be prepared or involved in the preparation, but they’re already suing Pennsylvania over mail-in ballot issues. They’re preparing.

So what?

There is no way there is a fall downturn. OFS will ensure that. Now the detected cases may be lower due to shenanigans but the hospitalization and death rates will tell the story.

Also, just because Trump (or, say, DeJoy) may lack the analytical skill to personally know what postal facilities or voting precincts to target does not mean that that skill does not exist on that side of the aisle. KellyAnne was a pollster. Republicans in NC redrew district maps with “surgical precision” in order to disenfranchise black voters (as just one example of the use of analytics in gerrymandering). The Trump folks seem to have a good relationship with Facebook. So the capacity clearly exists if they want to use it. And as far as the paper trail goes, even if the smoking gun exists, the last 4 years have shown that it’s pretty easy to delay discovery of the gun long enough that a lot of the damage is already done.

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Yeah, but when faced with that reality the Republicans might say ‘we took him seriously, but not literally’.

We’ve migrated a few times, so this is a pretty big ask. But here are a few from a quick search here. I went through maybe two weeks of posts in October 2019, that’s it. Didn’t even look at anything else. This is pretty consistent with simp’s posting over the last few years IMO.

Close! It was 0.

Turns out he did not permanently alienate 20+ Republican senators. Republicans voted 52-1 with Trump on Article I, 53-0 on Article II.

“Trump needs to win at the SCt, or his returns will be produced to the DA.”

10 months later, he’s still been able to delay producing those returns to the DA despite losing consistently in court.

10 months later, and we now know they won’t be getting it via the courts before the election.

He was referencing November 2019 here, not 2020.

This is what his posting record is going to be like if you go back through it. Consistently believing in the institutions to save us, consistently predicting good outcomes, consistently ignoring the fact that “lol fuck you” at best buys them years of time and at worst means nothing matters, and consistently suggesting that worst case is a landslide election while mostly ignoring the rampant voter suppression and weaponization of the executive branch that should have him shook.

Now, having to constantly argue with him on these points can be frustrating, but it doesn’t make me dislike him at all. However, when he then turns into an arrogant and condescending prick and suggests he’s always right and everyone who disagrees is always wrong, that makes me dislike him and tell him to fuck off.

Again, that was two weeks of posts. It’s years of that shit.


lol. So some of those aren’t even concluded yet? Remember when you used to whine that we were making this site a place the FBI would watch?


“I don’t think there can be a lot more voter suppression than 2010-2018, other than perhaps swing states with both GOP governor and legislature.”

“Significant stonewalling will genuinely anger the Senate.”

LOL the Senate GOP got in line and fully supported the stonewalling.

Hey @narrator was Trump expected to play by the rules in the impeachment trial or nah?

Did Schiff bring down the hammer? Is play time over? Did Trump stop grifting off the presidency?

What came of that urgent IG briefing again?

Turns out we were right about the result of public hearings.

Turns out Barr probably pretty much shut down the Mueller Report, and has been doing more than putting some sand in the gears on basically everything since then, pretty fucking easily.


That’s kind of the point.


He’s stating his opinions. You had a full on meltdown and threatened to leave because we weren’t doing things the “right way” and you were going to miss out on being a politician.

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I didn’t say he doesn’t have a right to state his opinions or that he should be banned. I don’t think one has anything to do with the other, and I stand by my views on the other stuff at the time. My views on acceptable rhetoric have changed as the transgressions of the administration and the ability to seek peaceful change have changed.

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My main issue is the condescending tone. Even now. I agreed with a lot of that stuff when he wrote it but continuing to say we’re all bed wetters for being Susan Collins-plus level concerned is just ridiculous.


Right like I said, I don’t dislike him for being wrong on a lot of stuff. I dislike him for being a condescending prick and claiming he’s always right when his track record is not so good. The WAAF people have been right pretty much all along. My friends found me to be an alarmist during the election in 2016. Now they see a lot of what I was alarmed about coming to fruition. It wasn’t alarmist then, it was understanding how these things have played out throughout history and how our system was set up to handle it, or not handle it.

I distinctly remember pointing and laughing at Sarah Kzendior for calling all of this basically on election night. I’m still not sure she isn’t just a FASCISM FASCISM FASCISM button masher who got lucky, but I’m not gonna continue to make fun of her.

My point is you were condescending to all of us and threatened to leave the site if we didn’t change. You and nunnehi went on week long tirades of condescending shit.

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I don’t agree with simp all the time, but I’m glad he’s here.


I don’t want simp removed or anything, he’s a good poster and I just as riverman said have agreed and thought some of the same things that Simp has posted but Cuse is also right on pretty much everything he said above.


I actually left for a while and only came back when shit got really crazy a couple months later. And now a lot of people hate me for the whole thing and being abrasive and condescending, and maybe I deserve it for being an asshole, so what’s your point again?

I was extremely condescending to nunn for basically the same reason I am calling out simp. You don’t get to be Mr. Sunshine and Roses and be wrong all the time, then tell everyone else that actually you were right and they were wrong and you always know best while the world burns literally and metaphorically.

Nobody does.


agreed, but I do think its clear that anyone thats still pushing “norms or laws or whatever will save us” at this point is missing whats going on.


LMAO. My point was to reflect on yourself a bit. Carry on then bro! You can judge who can be condescending.