The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

This happened to my brother about 10 years ago. He entered the wrong room and everyone immediately stopped talking. I think he got written up for it but that was as far as it went.

But this is different. This is 20 people storming a meeting from 3 different entrances on command by the president. They also had electronic devices that is prohibited.

Trump has tried to get employees of State and Defense not to testify in the impeachment probe. They have been testifying, and the result has been devastating. Impeachment is moving forward and at least half of Americans are in support. Even if it’s not immediately fatal, it will ultimately fatally wound him.

The subpoena action is moving forward. NY prosecutor will win the appeal. Trump needs to win at the SCt, or his returns will be produced to the DA. It would not be easy for the SCt to throw Trump a bone here. They may do it, but it will not be easy, and there will be consequences.

25 GOP House members acting unruly is nothing. Just a show that will only increase the resolve of witnesses, the committee, and likely the Senate.

Trump is Really unpopular, and independents are starting to get it. Importantly, the people among whom he is popular are the people whose power is rapidly decreasing, mainly the old and uneducated. This is the last stand of the idiocracy.

That’s not to say that Trump has not done lasting damage, especially to the courts (allies will get over Trump, but because he’s an aberration and it’s in their interest to), but we always knew he would do lasting damage. The good news is that the system, with some significant exceptions (lol, Barr), is working and he will be crushed.


This whole scenario is unfathomable. We’re being held hostage by a racist game show host with dementia, and a bunch of religious zealot frat bros with sub 100 IQs. What the fuck?


I expected as much but wanted others ITT unable to listen to be able to enjoy these quotes post haste :+1:


Are they are commiting felonies by bringing electronic recording devices in?

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And like 40 percent of the country likes it and thinks he is doing a great job.

Yeah, I’m a little more optimistic about the chances of the Senate voting to remove Trump. There are many Senate Rs who would certainly vote against Trump without saying so ahead of time. They just have to be sure there will be enough votes to have him removed. They will only face serious political consequences with a vote to convict that fails to have him removed. If Trump gets removed, he won’t have much if any influence over the R constituents in a meaningful way.

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Not even sure 40 percent think he’s doing a great job. Doesn’t matter. The racism is still running strong. That’s why he had to put out the “lynching” quote the other day. He’s pretty much saying “Yeah, I’m a crook, but I’m still blowing that racist dog-whistle better than anyone”. And for the 40%, that’s all that matters.

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He probably was informed of Biden saying it re: Clinton impeachment and knew the media would somehow make it more of a big deal about Joe than him. It’s probably going to work in his favor for multiple reasons because OMG BOTH SIDESSSS.

It’s not 40%. It’s 40% of registered voters. It’s a big difference. Get more voters, and that number goes down.

They are getting crushed in the news cycle. The GOP is in no way, shape, or form winning any of this. Their only message is distraction and delay. They are sending their absolute dregs out because no legit people will have anything to do with this, and these dregs are 100 percent shameless.

Each day they make it 10 times worse for the admin when all anyone on their side needed to do was shut up and let it play out, then do their sham vote. That’s going to be really difficult for people to do now, even if they still want to.


Correct play here.

Round up all of the dems who are ex military/intelligence and literally throw them out.

Get one of the better looking ones to go on TV and talk about security.

Dems need to understand the rules better.

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Here come the twisted panties.


I assume they have to do some sort of sweep to make sure the room is still secure after so many electronic devices were brought in. Assess the cost of a sweep and make some grandstanding gesture about trying to charge these idiots for it.

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I guess I would take either one, though I think I’d prefer a swift SC judgment to establish precedent


never trumpers but voted for trump means they are not never trumpers and they are completely full of shit when they told you that


regarding trump is really unpopular–obama was about the same at this point in his presidency too. TAN SUITS MUSTARD HE ATE VEGETABLES ONCE TOO

in other words both sides are the same

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( twitter | raw text )

Wtf kind of ring is that