The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

We’ve been in multiple Constitutional crises for years, my dude.

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( twitter | raw text )


Guys, if you’re at home about to watch some mindless Netflix or something, listen to the full audio of the case earlier today vs Trump. Goddamn is it fun to hear these judges easily dismantle this attorney’s every most powerful defense for each claim.

I’m not a lawyer, but I do love court dramas, and this shit would have you glued to the screen.

I’ll just link to it again…


Jesus Christ please take that tweet down or at least crop my username out of it.

Edit: smacc25 Done.


Katzmann: Just so that I, just want to nail this down. The district court says that it’s uncontested that the DA is investigating conduct that occurred in NY state. Do you contest that the DA and the grand jury are investigating conduct that falls within their enforcement jurisdiction?

Cons: I have not conceded it. I don’t see it as material.

Katz: Do you contest it?

Cons: [stammers] I’m prepared to stipulate to it without conceding to it for purposes of adjudicating this dispute because I don’t think it’s material to whether they have the right to seek these documents. Whether they have a basis in state law doesn’t answer whether they have a basis in federal law to secure these documents.

That is some hardcore #lawyering

LOL Rudy’s one way ticket out of Dulles buddy asserted executive privilege

Letter time!

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The transcripts always deliver.



Did they do a ruling?

What did you think would happen? This kind of stuff gets put in writing and I know you know that.

Grue, New Mexico, same as Old Mexico

You forgot the “Working hard, thank you!”


I doubt anyone saw it on Twitter, it was deleted almost immediately.

I apologise if anyone’s delicate sensibilities were offended, personally I thought it was an apt description.


Not yet. It isn’t clear when they’ll issue it, though I’d expect it soon. Whoever loses will appeal to the SC, and we wait to hear if they take the case.

Final statement by Consovoy sums up his position.

Also a good article what happened in court, though I really can’t stress enough that the fifty minute video is well worth your time for entertainment alone.

This is all because Trump told these guys to fight or else. The spineless fish instead of going after trump just followed orders.

Rachel will be doing a big breakdown on it tonight, I’m sure of it (provided there is not insane breaking news). You should check her out tonight and see how she does.

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Imagine thinking you can primary some of these guys with people crazier than them.

Ya and then nothing else happens and I know you know that.

fucking pear cut, the WOAT diamond cut you can get. ofcourse tomi lahren has a pear cut ring…

i apologize if anyone here got the significant other one of these, but if you did, c’mon man…