The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Yet the Trump tweet calling people human scum is still just hanging out. This was my complaint in the “Ban NBZ” thread, we’re cracking down on posters for shit while letting the bot slide because it’s the bot.

We’re no better than Facebook.


With all his water carriers telling him he has the legal authority to shoot someone and not have repercussions, we’re drawing live to the president going all Parkland on the Democratic caucus.

Trump’s reign now reminds me of the time I was in Nigeria and there was a military coup because people had become fed up with corrupt politicians in all parties.

After not very long people were calling for the reinstatement of elections because although the politicians were totally corrupt at least they weren’t clinically insane (the military had instigated public hangings outside schools as a warning to kids).

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That kind of shit is why I really hope the republic doesn’t fall. Real anarchy is no joke.


Nah, as I tweeted earlier, he would come down with a bad case of the bone spurs before he could ever pick up a gun. He’s a total pussy when it comes down to it.

Cancelling an election would be illegal, but nothing the potus does can be illegal, ergo potus for life if he wants it


Just gonna keep going as time permits today. Each judge’s response is the legal equivalent of “lolwat”

Cons: Now I think your honor, this raises a broader question, which is, there are things that the DA could have said, that could have made this case somewhat different. And I think your question, to some degree, though not entirely, raises some of those issues. But the DA has declined to do so. He has declined to say the president is not a target of this subpoena, he has declined to say that they are not investigating the president through these efforts, and so I think that is the record on which this case arrives at the court.

Katz: Is it your position that the other persons who are being—who may be—involved in this can’t be investigated at all? As long as their conduct also implicates the president?

Consovoy: Not necessarily. And of course we are operating in a handicapped position. We have not seen the redacted portions of the declaration, so we can only speculate as to who they may be, and what their relationship may be to the president. But your honor, the issue here is not who may be being investigated beyond the president, the issue is the issuance of criminal process to the president.

Droney: Let me ask you about the temporary absolute immunity of the president. It seems that in a criminal case, the consensus seems to be, yes there is some absolute immunity from criminal prosecution of the president. OLC memos, the board brief, the decisions, but does it apply… They all seem to say it applies once you get to the point of indictment, not before that. Otherwise, United States v Nixon would be a problem. Just a subpoena was permitted in that case. How is that different from this case where it’s just a Grand Jury subpoena, not even a trial subpoena? Like in the Nixon tapes case.

Consovoy: So, we, I definitely agree with your honor that there is a consensus around the core idea of immunity with respect to…I think certainly the story opinion that’s quoted in Fitzgerald says, you know, arrest prosecution and so forth. Beyond that, I think the Bork brief supports the broader view. Among other sources, the Bork brief, remember, that was the Agnew grand jury investigation. And under the course of that brief, Robert Bork explained why the VP did not have that kind of immunity. And he offered reasons why that would be. It would interfere with the grand jury’s work. This is important work. But at the end of the opinion, he says that is not true with respect to the president. And that was a grand jury investigation and a grand jury subpoena.

Katz: What about the Moss—the Moss memo?

Cons: I think the Moss memo—

Katz: The Moss memo seems to suggest that there are things that can be gathered while the president is still president, even if the president cannot be indicted while in office.

Cons: Yes, but I think the Moss brief does not suggest that those things could be gathered from the president.

Droney: What about the US v Nixon? Those were the tapes that were gathered from the president, and the US Supreme Court said in its unanimous opinion, yes, they are to be disclosed. Even with an executive privilege argument, that there was no application of absolute presidential immunity to pre-indictment subpoenas in that case.


That article has some funny stuff in it, but ultimately falls flat. Here’s a choice bit:

reports indicate that Louie Gohmert, perhaps sensing that his position as Padishah Emperor of the Crazy People is under threat from Gaetz, got into the secure room and started yelling about stuff
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I’m particularly interested to hear Katzmann’s responses given that in the earlier video I linked, he got into somewhat of a protracted discussion with students and challenging professors over how much influence prior court opinions and memos should have on an interpretation and application of a law in each individual case. He considers himself a “soft purposivist” in that he believes the intent and spirit of the law is important, but there is generally no harm, only gain, to be found in at least considering (as time allows) how others have interpreted and applied the law, but that neither the purpose nor the prior application should in themselves define a court’s decisions.

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I think it’s more than fair.

Extra unhinged today lol. Usually I can see how his flailing will connect, but this seems extra old man yelling at clouds, even for other old men yelling at clouds

LOL Trump turning on the GOP is chef’s kiss

Maybe these idiots will realize supporting him in the first place was a bad idea.

Narrator: The idiots did not realize it was a bad idea.


He clearly does not want DOD Cooper to testify. If you can’t actually finish the investigation’s main moving parts connection it can’t move forward. Genius!

He’s not turning on them, he’s telling them to sharpen their knives.


Hoo boy, this was fast John Ratfucker:

Oh, now I get it:

  1. Never Trumpers are human scum.
  2. Bill Taylor is a Never Trumper.
  3. Bill Taylor, West Point graduate, Vietnam Vet (6 years!), Bronze Star recipient, lifelong public servant, is human scum.