The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

It’s a violation of House rules, yes. The House can discipline them in other ways, including censure or expulsion (will not happen lol). But all members of Congress have specific constitutional immunity to arrest or imprisonment.


In Nancy’s Congress, anything goes.

Is he seriously talking about boomers that don’t support him dying off?

You know, my reading of the Constitution and House rules says beatings with a mace are both permitted and encouraged.

In accordance with the Rules of the House, on the rare occasions when a Member becomes unruly, the Sergeant at Arms, on order of the Speaker, lifts the mace from its pedestal and presents it before the offenders, thereby restoring order.


Yeah there’s no doubt this was a planned and orchestrated disruption. Reporting is that they stormed into the room simultaneously through 3 different doors. If Trump knew about and encouraged the actual physical disruption of his own impeachment, surely that’s another for the growing pile of articles of impeachment?

On the other hand, Obama Netflix?


Oh shit, we gotta play by the rules now, guys



I can’t wait to see the Obama production company Netflix show on impeachment he’ll be doing when all this is over.

Welp put another impeachment log on the yuletide shitshow. I mean wtf?

That’s true, but it’s not about securing riches, it’s about denying then to Syria. This tactic seems something that those within the administration who are in love with messing with Syria have argued for as a last gasp position - hence Graham getting on board once this became possible. I doubt it will amount to much or be viable after a few months, but you never know. Trump loves the ‘secure the oil’ thing as he’s a child.

Even donald trump superfan awval didn’t claim more than 1100, and he’s already making 6 figs

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It is now time for the reading of the articles of impeachment going to a full vote of the House:


considering they don’t have all the dems voting to convict yet it’s not really something to consider

I think everyone but maybe Manchin is a lock at this point. Anyone not on the record to convict is just pretending to be an impartial juror at this point.

I’ll save you guys a lot of time and debate. Nothing is going to happen to the GOP congresscritters who pulled this stunt.

I’ve said it before but Trump has kind of accidentally opened up some kind of political Game Genie mode for the Republicans. Do as much crimes as possible right out in the open and then not only will there be no time or appetite to actually investigate/prosecute all of them but it is literally impossible for the human brain to remember them all.


@CanadaMatt3004 I’m going to go ahead & hide this post, I realise that its a bit of Sarcasim but some posters may take it the other way.

Sorry brother :confused:

Oh, yeah, thats fine. Was just referencing the tweet, not anyone here. My bad.


That Gaetz (R-Breathalyzer) is at the head of this foolishness, of course, is no surprise.

Man, the case from earlier today v Vance is buck wild to listen to lol.

I find it meditative to transcribe court cases so have been transcribing as I listen to this one. Man are there some doozies literally every time Consovoy speaks.

Katz: As your adversary informs us in their brief, the Trump organization has made four productions. And that includes two after the lawsuit was filed. Are you objecting now to the entirety of the Mazar subpoena? Or is your objection limited to the tax returns?

Cons: We are objecting to the entirety of the subpoena. We view the entire subpoena as an inappropriate fishing expedition. Not made in good faith. And while the president has declined to assert immunities he might otherwise have the authority to invoke, with respect to other subpoenas,

Chin: [inaudible] Why would that pick up the organizations?

Cons: So the immunity extends certainly to the president, in our view.

Katz: Absolutely, you say?

Cons: [laughs] Absolutely, yes.

Katz: Wait, which is different from the, it seems to be somewhat different from the DOJ’s view as to immunity.

Cons: I’m sorry, as to…?

Katz: As to presidential immunity.

Cons: I don’t think there’s real daylight between our position and the DOJ. With respect to [stammers] [stammers some more] I’ll certainly answer both questions as the court allows. With respect to why it would extend to the organizations, the organizations are being targeted not just with respect to them, but with respect to the president’s personal information to which they have possession. And so, there has to be an anti-circumvention rule underneath these kinds of immunities, otherwise, they don’t work. You can imagine a multitude of scenarios in which the true target of the subpoena, just like with the Mazar subpoena, is personal records of the president being held.

Chin: You’re ignoring the corporate form. These are entities that clearly have an existence. They operate, they conduct business.

Cons: That is true. They’re also wholly owned by the president. And they do hold his personal records. And his personal records are being sorted out.

That last line about Trump ownership is mega lolemoluments