The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Yeah, staffer storming SCIF and doing whatever is not going to end well.

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Nothing like negotiating with crazy people who have no leverage.

Dems continue to be the worst.

You said 2 days, it will be lucky to get 6 hours. It is a big story, but not for the reasons CNN has in its headline. ‘The DJTQAnon Frat Boys have stormed the SCIF’ is basically the gist of what’s really going on.

How do you negotiate with crazy people who have no leverage?

IDK. I bet Gaetz or Jordan at least get on air interviews to defend what they did. Which is what they want.

Oh, I’ve got a great negotiation idea.

Leave now, or go to prison.

Pretty convincing I think.


Is this a riddle?

A pretty good outcome is getting them to leave. Do you want them to leave, or do you want them to just delay a hearing from a career person in the DOD about the withholding of the Ukraine funding? This person theoretically completes the dots of all the places that knew about this and had anything to do with the funding.

Based on what she says today, another cabinet member might be just about to be wrapped up in this as well. This hearing is a big deal, and it’s no surprise they’re trying to stop it.

( twitter | raw text )

Anything outside of Fox News will be to ridicule them. They will not like the questions they’ll get from anyone else.

ffs that’s got to be up there with his worst


So right now Romney and Collins are close to locked into voting to convict. Collins would have to give zero shits about her legacy AND her political future to not vote to convict. As it stands it’s kind of a miraculous opportunity for her to have something to talk about other than that time she voted to confirm K.

Romney has hated Trump and everything he stands for since before he ran for president probably. The gaudiest thing about that guy (despite having an awful lot of money to gild absolutely everything in his life if he really wanted) is his wife’s hobbies.

As for the rest of the GOP senators it’s a good question. I don’t know who else we even have a shot with, but I don’t know enough about each of their political situations besides just wanting them to lose.

Could the people who are like ‘arrest them’ or ‘send them to prison’ really just stop putting that garbage in this thread? Members of Congress cannot be arrested on the Congressional floor, it’s in Article 1.

[Senators and Representatives] shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

They can however be punished for acting unruly (also Article 1) although that will certainly require a house vote.

Gotta admit I’m surprised that his first use of “human scum” in a tweet is directed at Republicans.

I guess if it was Dems or immigrants they’d be “subhuman scum”.


2 points:

  1. This seems like Breach of the Peace, though I don’t know the legal definition of that in this context.
  2. They’re not on the House floor, they’re in a SCIF for a committee they’re not on, so House floor is not applicable, correct?

He thinks Dems are better, because at least ‘they stick together’ (lol).

Man that tweet is mega-unhinged. Pretty standard narcissist behavior, though. Also it didn’t get much press but Cocaine/Moscow Mitch has repeatedly indicated he’s willing to let Trump get got.

I see you read the quote, did you comprehend it?

  1. It’s not.
  2. They are in Attendance in their Session.
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ok but can the sergeant at arms use cattle prods on them?


Even if the people are not allowed in that session because they are not members of that committee? I guess you’re saying yes. This seems like it could be very problematic.