The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS


It would be great to see a mass suspension of security clearances for 15-20 House republicans, but they should look up all of their previous comments about the “rule of law” beforehand so they’re prepared to shove them back in their faces when they complain. “Elections have consequences”, remember?

If you’re Putin and you wanted to sneak a bug into a SCIF, this seems like a viable play.


But did they prioritise their economic interests over their racism back then or was it more of a case that many Dem politicians shared their racism so the deplorables didn’t have to choose - they got their racist policies and had their economic interests served? As soon as that changed and the Dem politicians started supporting civil rights, the deplorables had a choice to make and they chose racism over economic interest and threw their lot in with the GOP.


Has a full list been released yet?

What are ethics charges? Because unless they’re something that affects either their freedom or pocketbook, why would they give a shit? Their voters will eat this up all day. In fact, you could argue they’re doing exactly what their constituents would want them to do.

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I would hope a sweep is done after they get out all of the interlopers.

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They broke into a SCIF man. See what Malcolm Nance says the penalty is for that.

The thing that really pisses me off is those clowns are gonna get free airtime on CNN and MSNBC. So the media is gonna cover this for 2 days while pushing the quid pro quo on the backburner.

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No they won’t.

Is this the part where the fiddler watches Rome burn to the ground?

I’m aware of what they did. I’m asking why they would give a shit about ethics charges.

So we’ve got a standoff sort of situation now.

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Mission Accomplished. The storming stunt gets top billing while “Turkey sanctions lifted despite war crimes” story will be completely lost in the noise.

(BTW, CNN coverage at least doesn’t say anything about a SCIF, just “A group of Republicans stormed the House room where Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper was about to testify.”)

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He’s no Black Rod.


Haha this dope is trying to cover his ass by saying the tweets are not from him but from a staffer.


It’s already on the front page of CNN.

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Lead them outside the Capitol building, say, ‘stay here until further notice’, roll in some Port-a-Potties and a snacks food truck, and then lock the doors for added emphasis. Never return.