The Presidency of Donald J. Trump v5.0: ORANGE Gettin' PEACHed, Nation Goes PEANUT BUTTER & BANANAS

Also a reminder that numb nuts John Ratcliffe (QAnon follower) was a former prosecutor who lied about what he prosecuted, continually perverts the law, wanted to be DNI, GOP Senate said lolno, and he would have been the guy charged with walking the WB complaint and ICIG letter over to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees. I wonder how that would have gone?

Even another reminder that they’re going with the Mueller defense of ‘if it didn’t complete, it’s not really a crime’. The problem in this case is that the funding was released after the WB complaint had been made, deemed urgent and credible, and well after the WB complaint should have been turned over. If the WB complaint had come out before that funding had been released all hell would have broken loose. They have zero defense here.

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If a person was simple and thought the 12 Angry Democrats led by Shifty Schiff are conducting a secret partisan witch hunt impeachment meeting, none of the headlines would free them of that impression.

Laughable attempts to defend the indefensible:

  1. The WB complaint doesn’t match the call transcript
  2. Allegations are all second- and third-hand
  3. Investigating corruption is perfectly appropriate
  4. Zelensky said there was no pressure so case closed
  5. Ukraine didn’t even know about the hold up
  6. Abuse of power is not a crime (Witaker)
  7. Trump’s “do me a favor” is like other people saying “you know”, just a verbal tic! (Hannity)
  8. Taylor testimony “failed to connect the dots” ( today)

Laughable attempts at deflection:

  1. Where’s the Whistleblower?
  2. Where’s Hunter?
  3. Where’s the DNC server?
  4. Shifty Schiff’s fabrication is the real story
  5. Biden corruption is the real story
  6. Radical Unelected Bureaucrats! (RUBs? RUBbers?)
  7. It’s a lynching!

So who’s coordinating the impeachment resistance in the House? Louis Gohmert and Andy Biggs are definitely not smart enough for that job.


Even the dullards still so tuned out have watched spy movies and know you don’t eff around with a SCIF.

I mean this is exactly how I would think Gaetz, Jordan, Gohmert, and Biggs would try to derail the impeachment investigation…in the most incompetent way possible that could end up with all of them getting ethics charges against them. They are not sending their best.

What is the significance of storming SCIF and if this is a secure area how did they get in?

I deleted it, but it was nowhere near violating twitter TOS


A SCIF is a location where classified information can be discussed, these dummies in Congress were able to storm one today that was located in the House.

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“Why won’t they let any Republicans in there? What are they trying to hide? I say they have every right to storm the SCIF!”

he’ll lose the popular vote but that’s irrelevant–if he turns out his base he can still win swing states even if he gets destroyed elsewhere. In fact, his base of non college white dudes should be a higher % of the rust belt states than 2016.

I don’t often endorse violence, but Matt Gaetz really, really needs to be punched in the face.


Someone should start a meme for the olds saying “The ultimate fuck you to libs is we get free healthcare and then they pay for it when we pass away”

Leave the libs the Debt… Or something like it.

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Another man in need of a milkshake. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

That’s not endorsing violence. That’s just common sense.

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Fisticuffs almost broke out in a secret classified information facility. Perfectly normal behavior from house republicans.

you could do that meme about the entire planet.

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And Nancy’s not going to do a damn thing about this.



YUSSSSSSSS I was excited for today after following this tweet and doing a little research into Kaztmann. I really enjoyed this conversation with him.

In case you want to hear audio of the lawyer saying Trump can shoot people and no one can do anything. Skip to 1:14.

I’m going to listen to the whole thing now to hear Katzmann in action.

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