The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances
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He just says those things to fuck with the Democrats. His goal is to throw a wrench into the works. He wants the public to turn on the Democratic party.


Billionaires buying elections is the sign of a healthy democracy

Really the office should be done away with or made completely and transparently ceremonial. King for a term sucks.

The numbers will still be contested and dismissed as they always are, either as fake news invented to smear him or as deaths that would’ve happened anyway from other causes and his base will continue buying his BS until they see with their own eyes.

We can hope that enough old people die that it takes out a large chunk of his base. That’s the only way he’s gonna lose imo. A few hundred thousand extra dead in “the villages” across the country in time for November might just save the world.


If enough old people die from it here there’s a case for having a referendum to rejoin the EU.

But that’s another thread.


Sorry, not hoping a lot of people die.


The trolley either goes down the ‘lots of old people die of CV’ track or down the ‘everyone in the world dies of climate change’ track. You’re hoping for lots of deaths either way.


The real question is if we turn the trolley now so that it doesn’t kill anyone else is that fair to those who have already died?

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Oh, WHEW! I for one am relieved.
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The adults were too sophisticated to see Trump’s special political talents—his instinct for every adversary’s weakness, his fanatical devotion to himself, his knack for imposing his will, his sheer staying power. They also failed to appreciate the advanced decay of the Republican Party, which by 2016 was far gone in a nihilistic pursuit of power at all costs. They didn’t grasp the readiness of large numbers of Americans to accept, even relish, Trump’s contempt for democratic norms and basic decency. It took the arrival of such a leader to reveal how many things that had always seemed engraved in monumental stone turned out to depend on those flimsy norms, and how much the norms depended on public opinion.

But a simple intuition had propelled Trump throughout his life: Human beings are weak. They have their illusions, appetites, vanities, fears. They can be cowed, corrupted, or crushed. A government is composed of human beings. This was the flaw in the brilliant design of the Framers, and Trump learned how to exploit it.

When it comes to Trump vs the bureaucracy. Trump won.

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The companies who have already said private investors need to make a return so it probably won’t be cheap?
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