Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

The proper response to Bloomberg or Trump is pitchforks and guillotines.



That’s easy for you to say when it’s not your people or religion that’s in danger if Bloomberg gets elected. I for 1 would not vote for Bloomberg if I was a Muslim for example.

Ya cause trump is a well known friend of Muslim’s.

Jesus fucking h fucking Christ.

I wasn’t really on team WAAF before but wooooooooo boy a few more of these posts and I’ll leading the club.

Bloomberg sucks for sure but I would happily vote for him in every election from now till I die over voting one time for trump.

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Effect of the bluff is unclear, which is why I’d characterize it as selfish rather than definitely idiotic.

  • It might increase the chances for your horse.
  • It might cause some to think, “Hey, that’s a good idea” and actually not vote D against Trump (i.e., your concern)
  • It might cause presumptive D voters to be more motivated to vote in Nov because they need to overcome these people.

I’m not really sure what the net effect will be.

Starting to see your point don.

Would it really be “happily”, though? And if it was “unhappily”, would that really make you a worse person?

Remove happily. Fine. These morons are arguing they wouldn’t vote for him.

In before one of these idiots says trump is better.

smh standard toxic centrists.


I didn’t bring up Bloomberg genius.

This is an example of a bad post. You are literally being toxic by making it.

This answer is proof you’re not intelligent enough to come up with one. Wi can do this all day, ez game. Or you know, talk like regular people instead of idiot children.

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Let me make this clear. I would HAPPILY and with glee vote for ANY democrat over trump. When I say any I mean not just those running but any Democrat in the entire country. I don’t need to know anything about them other than they are Democrats.

In fact, I would likely vote for ANYONE chosen completely at ransom from the general population over trump. I’d guess there are else than 0.000000001 percent of the US population I wouldn’t vote over trump.

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Trumps on team hate everyone who opposes him…

Bloomberg has much much worse instincts, imo…

Hes a Republican through and through, a virus if you wish that will infect the Democratic party and take it over for years maybe decades. Imo.

Seriously though, since we’re talking about shitty choices we won’t really have to make, how is the competent fascist a better pick than the incompetent one?

Bloomberg would most likely have Republican Senate that will obstruct every single thing he tries. And possibly a Republican house that will do the same.

Even if he gets D house and Senate somehow, they won’t be on board with his worst sides.

Trump will have a rubber stamp Senate that will confirm every single sycophant that he nominates. He will get every judicial nominee confirmed, including the Supreme Court. He will have even more loyal stooges in the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, Military, to go after the ‘traitors’.

He very well could have a Republican house as well. If that happens, it really gets ugly quick. Obamacare gone. Medicaid/Medicare/Social Security gutted for more tax cuts.

If Trump gets reelected, future elections will look like Russian elections.

Mod can I please have a WAAF badge.

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Except we are drawing very live for our democracy to completely fall apart in the next 4 years. No other candidate even comes close to this level of risk.

Ignoring this is extremely naive.

Random person would be a strong contender period imo.

OK… would I vote for Bloomberg? YES I Would…


What I said today and before… If I was a Muslim I would not be voting this election and instead be making plans to move to Canada if possible…

  • Before- I would not ask another American to vote for Bloomberg as I see him as such a risk, its on you to decide as the outcome is very very unknown.

No need for the WAAF Badge yet @clovis8 :roll_eyes:

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