Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

OK… would I vote for Bloomberg? YES I Would…


What I said today and before… If I was a Muslim I would not be voting this election and instead be making plans to move to Canada if possible…

  • Before- I would not ask another American to vote for Bloomberg as I see him as such a risk, its on you to decide as the outcome is very very unknown.

No need for the WAAF Badge yet @clovis8 :roll_eyes:

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He’s a Republican. He believes everything they do. They won’t block his legislation, he will sign theirs and call it bipartisanship.
Ditto with the bench, etc.

Trump has thousands of conflicts of interest, hell have more. God knows how many pies he’s got his fingers in, he’s worth like literally 10,000 trumps.
Him being able to buy the office and use it effectively to enrich himself rather than the cut-rate way Trump does it will make our state look like Russia, not just the elections.

What’s more it will prove to all of us that ztrump was right, Washington is all just corruption and both sides are equally as bad. The apathy that the fascists rely on to retain power will set in and we’re proper fucked for at least another gereration. At least with a second trump administration there’s a (albeit really small) chance of containing the rot.


Seriously it is truly terrifying how efficiently you could monetize the presidency with Bloombergs resources if that’s something you wanted to do. You think overcharging the government for hotel rooms is bad? Jesus. That’s nothing compared to what someone with 50B+ could do just by betting on horses and then making them win.

That’s what he’s doing right now and his horse is Joe Biden.



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If it’s Bloomberg

Yeah. Fuck that guy. I’m voting for trump.


Hi Clovis, not voting for Bloomberg under any circumstances, ship the block


Bloomer wins I stay home, lmao at voting for Trump get real.

I’ll sadly go vote for Joe though. :expressionless:

Block my ass then.

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Hey clovis what if the dem nominee pivots at the convention and says ‘I’m a literal nazi and am planning to round up and gas all the jews in the US!’ Still vote for them over trump?


Didn’t Bloomberg stop stop-and-frisk once the courts said it was illegal? That’s one huge plus in Bloomberg’s corner over Trump.

Stop and frisk is just mind blowingly astoundingly shockingly horrifically fascist. People upset about games being playing with census questions because that’s fascist should lose their minds over the police just stopping and searching people.

And that’s on top of him being a neocon war monger.

But whatever, he’s not winning the nom for himself. He’s winning it for Biden - another ahole who lead the charge to put Black people in prison and bomb Iraq.


lol not voting Bloomberg here in Illinois and probably wouldn’t vote for him anywhere else either.

Bloomberg is a republican who most likely bribed government officials in NY to get the laws changed on term limits so he could continue his reign of terror on black and brown communities. Stop and frisk was an evil policy and he also heavily surveilled the muslim community. Also if he won it would be because he bought the fucking election, why even have them anymore at that point when an uncharismatic short billionaire can win by just spending money.

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I agree 100%.

Would still snap vote him over trump and anyone who wouldn’t has serious psychological issues and, I hate to say it, somewhere deep down wants trump to win.

Again my argument is not for Bloomberg although I suspect me saying this AGAIN will have no effect.

My argument is for ANYONE over trump.

Please can someone explain briefly in one sentence why Bloomberg < Trump?

It seems like they’re pretty similar in terms of victimising brown skins and increasing their own wealth.

Stop and frisk was pretty bad but I haven’t heard much about his cooperation with the CIA:

After the September 11 attacks, with assistance from the Central Intelligence Agency, Bloomberg’s administration oversaw a controversial “suspicionless domestic surveillance” program that surveilled Muslim communities on the basis of their religion, ethnicity, and language. An eight-person NYPD unit profiled and surveilled schools, bookstores, cafes, restaurants, nightclubs, and every single mosque within 100 miles (160 km) of New York City using undercover informants and officers. The program was exposed in 2011 by the Associated Press in a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of investigative reports. The program was discontinued in 2014.

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No, I don’t think anyone will make the case, but it’s not really that hard to make.

Competent fascist is worse than incompetent fascist. His election will normalize Russia style systemic corruption.

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