Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Trump at some point ends meaningful elections and eventually hands over power to the next member of his dynasty, who can scarcely be less competent.

Dems at least attempt to stymie trump, republicans will fall over themselves to sign on to ā€œbipartisanā€ bills from bloomberg to cut taxes and welfare.


Yeah, maybe. Thatā€™s not necessarily going to be easy for him, Bloomberg co-opting the state is a lower bar.


Bloomberg has actually changed term limits so he can stay in power.

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OK. Nixon would probably have repealed w/e amendment it is that limits Presidents to two terms, and Trump certainly will if he wins this year, so again itā€™s hard to put a cigarette paper between them.

Iā€™m obviously not stanning for Bloomberg whoā€™s a total PoS, but then Trump.

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It would suck to lose meaningful elections though. Next thing youā€™d know, theyā€™d have the police stopping and searching people on the street and working with spy agencies to monitor citizens.

Yeah, I know you donā€™t want Bloomberg. Theyā€™re just both unacceptable imo.


Called it.

Victor is literally too stupid to understand that I donā€™t support Bloomberg nor am I by any definition a centrist.

I am left of 99% of the population but to your child like mind that makes me a centrist.

If the precedent is set that you can buy the presidency itā€™s game over

What iyo is the plan for ending 50 individual state elections anyway? He says ā€œstate of emergency, no electionsā€ and like california, and rlnew York say yes sir?

Who do you think is on Bloombergā€™s shortlist for VP? Anyone weā€™ve heard of? Surely he wonā€™t even consider one of his running mates. The only one I can think of as a remote possibility is Pete.

Thank God most police answer to state and local governments. Unfortunately the national guard is a bit of a question these days.

He already asked Yang. Doesnā€™t seem to have worked. (which is good because seriously if he has anything to do with Bloomberg before heā€™s actually full blown nominated my rage will know no bounds. This goes for literally everyone)

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Did Yang give a public response? I donā€™t have the same feelings everyone else does about Yang taking a position on CNN, but I would join team fuck off if he joined Bloom.

Wow you must be playing dumb at this point.

You canā€™t understand the difference between supporting anyone, including Bloomberg, over trump and supporting Bloomberg in general?

Also I literally have no idea what you mean by perspective. Go ahead prove Iā€™m a centrist by any rational definition.

Thereā€™s no way Iā€™d vote Bloomberg, Iā€™d probably just stay home if he won the nomination

Itā€™s better to spoil your ballot paper than not turn up.

You keep saying this but I donā€™t get it. How does Bloomberg help Biden? He helps Sanders imo. Heā€™s a good target for Bernieā€™s messaging and takes more votes from Biden than Sanders according to second choice polls. Bloomberg will keep Biden from viability in some places. Other than the small existential dread that he might bink his runner runner of shittiness of the voters and win, Iā€™m glad Bloomberg is in the race.

I donā€™t understand why anyone thinks Trump would worry about changing the constitution or any law for that matter. He has already proved time and again, that he gives zero fucks about any law or institutional norm that stands in the way of what he wants. Why the fuck would he letā€™s Bloomberg or Bernie take over Office after they won a rigged election helped by fake news propaganda, heā€™d be defending the constitution and the rule of law by staying in power, preventing an illegal coup.

Do you think Bloomberg would fully staff the Department of State and the EPA with competent, qualified professionals? If so, that alone is sufficient reason to get out and vote.