Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Because in the second round at the convention all his delegates will vote for Joe.

maybe itā€™s just because Iā€™ve started reading sci-fi again, but bloomberg scares the fuck out of me. Heā€™d be able to turn the us into a full on authoritarian state where everything you do is tracked with facial recognition or nsa spying techniques. The thing is that we know that thatā€™s something he wants to do, because heā€™s told us that he wants to do it.

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That precedent has already been set. What world have you been living in the last ~16 years? I mean, what about the precedent of re-electing an actual authoritarian who has openly committed crimes and flaunted the rule of law as well as a dozen or so other important institutional norms? Yā€™all are getting fancy play syndrome.

Lol. That is all you can really say to that level of insanity.

Remember when New York became an authoritarian state under him? Those prisons and the end of voting were brutal. Itā€™s still a wasteland akin to Syria. No America travels to New York for fear of spending their lives in a prison camp.

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Bloomberg wasnā€™t in charge of New York the state.

Totalitarian states arenā€™t all wastelands. Iā€™ll lay off Godwin and say plenty of people vacationed in Spain before 1975.

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In Bloombergā€™s NYC, minorities were stopped at random for no reason and thrown in jail if they happened to be carrying drugs. Trump signed criminal justice reform to let people like that out of prison.

Bloomberg is an unapologetic war hawk, Trump just signed a peace deal with the fucking Taliban.

Saying Bloomberg >>>>>>>>>> Trump because of authoritarianism is a matter of style over substance.

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Micro, I know you are a sane person unlike victor. I trust your opinion.

You honestly think Bloomberg is more likely than trump to create an authoritarian state?

Lol at giving Trump credit for the criminal reform bill, which was primarily Trump appointed a literal neo-nazi as head of his immigration policy. He pardoned a war criminal, among other horrible people. He is pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement and thinks climate science is a hoax. Get out of here with this crap.

Definition of authoritarian state is very difficult. I donā€™t think either are likely to turn the US into 1940 Germany or Russia. Who will put more people in prison? I donā€™t know. Who will give more sweeping powers to the police and spy agencies? Also donā€™t know. I think Trump is more inclined to do it, but Bloomberg may well be more likely because of a problem Iā€™ve posted about a lot - a Democrat who wants these kinds of policies will get them. Virtually all Republicans will go along and enough Democrats will also follow out of Party loyalty. The mirror of this is that a criminal reform bill was recently passed that every Democrat voted for and split the Republicans. So, Trump with at least one part of the legislature held by the opposition party might be less dangerous.

We have more people in prison per capita than almost any country in the world, perhaps more than any. Only China and North Korea might have higher per capita numbers. Thatā€™s what an authoritarian state looks like, even if the political leaders arenā€™t wearing military uniforms.

Lots of extra people are spending their lives in a prison camp solely thanks to bloomberg. Itā€™s close between him and trump at this point.

Donā€™t give Trump credit for signing something that a R like Bloomberg wouldnā€™t sign? Sure, I agree that if you ignore all evidence that you donā€™t like then Trump is indisputably more authoritarian than Bloomberg.

The idea that Rā€™s will give any D President any kind of significant legislative victory is incredibly suspect.

You have no idea whether Bloomberg would have signed it.

I know that in the last debate he said he still wanted to punish people for having large quantities of marijuana. I know that to this day that he stands by supporting the Iraq War. I know that to this day, he cannot offer a sincere apology for stop and frisk, because he does not sincerely regret it.

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If a Dem wants to privatize social security they will line up to give them that ā€œvictoryā€.

As people like to say around here - Iā€™m old enough to remember with Newt Gingrich was working with Bill Clinton.

Cool, all thatā€™s bad. Itā€™s nowhere near as bad as ignoring climate change.

How about the TPP H.R. 1314: Trade Act of 2015 -- GovTrack.us ?

The vote to give Obama fast track authority. Republicans were yes/no 48-5 and dems were 14-30. Republicans would never give Obama a victory?