Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

Also, there’s too much money in MJ at this point for us to go backwards on it in any significant way.

That’s a different topic but agree it is a great/the best reason to vote Bloomberg. His strong authoritarian tendencies will be very beneficial in helping us address climate change.

If he banned sodas for health just imagine what he will be willing to ban when our planet is at stake.

I don’t have a huge problem with the TPP. That bill required a simple majority, anyway. we are ceding ground to China in that realm, I don’t know if that’s the great win for workers that you think it is.

Cite your work. I would be ALOT this is just statically wrong.

This had nothing to do with whether or not you agree with a particular policy that Republicans prefer. It was about how Republicans will vote for something a Democratic president pushes if it’s a policy they want.

The reason I picked the TPP was because supposedly the Rs would never ever do anything Obama wanted, not because of anything to do with the TPP itself.

I think that main reason I disagree with you/others on Bloomberg in our weighting of these two is in our assessment of Bloomberg’s willingness to act on his authoritarian tendencies versus Trump. As Clovis pointed out, Bloomberg ran NYC without any major change in policies or errosion of Democratic norms/institutions. Trump has been light years worse in that respect in just three years, and he has massive support of his base. If Bloomberg wins, he won’t have anywhere near the leeway that Trump does for committing crimes and ignoring the Constitution because he does not have that kind of sway with Dem voters, and he will not, ever,

Counterpoint: the ACA.

If you guys think there aren’t a ton of Dems who would salivate at nationwide draconian criminal justice efforts if president Bloomberg stumped for them, you just really have not been paying attention for the last 50 years.

Same for anti-terror surveillance.

Same with illegal immigration crackdowns.

So what it comes down to is: does Michael Bloomberg want those things? I don’t know how you can possibly answer no to that question. Of course he does! He fought the federal government for the right to search young black people without suspicion beyond the fact that they were young and black.

So honestly guys, you sound like fucking idiots when you say things like Mike Bloomberg is not an authoritarian.

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Who has said he’s not an authoritarian? This is an argument over who would be worse, Trump or Bloomberg.

Ok. That’s probably the thing.

A) vote for the billionaire who endangers our democracy and liberty (those aren’t the same thing) but maybe won’t intentionally make climate destruction worse.

B) vote for the billionaire who endangers our democracy and liberty (such as they are) and is hell bent on coal rolling.

C) Revolution

D) check out

Holy Jesus Christ this. This x1000000.

Why is this so hard to get? NOBODY is arguing Bloomberg is a great guy, a first choice, or even a 299 millionth choice.

He is just better than trump. Not because he is good but because Trump is perfectly distilled in a lab impossible to surpass awful.

We have more raw numbers than China, nevermind per capita.

Yes, if you’re black in America we have always lived in a police state.

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I don’t see how you think Bloomberg represents some big threat to our democracy. I mean, if you think him buying the election is an issue, uh, you’re a little late on that one. Bloomberg will definitively not implement voter suppression measures like Trump or any other Republican is. Bloomberg will help democracy, he wants/needs minorities to vote for him! This is seriously wtf territory.

OK that’s the only cogent argument for blooms over Trump itt.

You may be right, depending on how much he would actually do. We need enormous action, just joining thd Paris accord and increasing cafe standards isn’t different enough to matter.

The thing is, Dems have a frightening ability to look past the problems of Dems and it’s frustrating as hell that if we are lucky enough to have shit President Biden most of the rank and file will go back to defending shitty actions or whataboutism.

There are plenty of cogent arguments for Bloomberg over Trump. Voter suppression is another one, also diplomacy. Bloomberg will improve our relationships with other decent governments like Germany and Canada.

Yeah, money rules and we’re barely a democracy. I don’t mean that hyperbolically. We are shit as a democracy. We have almost no choice and voting barely matters. Money wins - that’s not wild speculation, that’s established political science. What rich people want is what happens. Everyone else is almost irrelevant. But, a billionaire buying an election, a billionaire who has shown disregard for democratic norms like term limits, is a new level. Absolutely.

And voting is not the same thing as freedom. Bloomberg does not respect freedom.

Completely agree but rather than crossing that bridge if it happens I am having trouble understanding why you would choose the certainty of a horrific 4 more years of trump. We don’t have to guess with trump. We know what it will be like.

What about SCOTUS? Trump is more likely to place a good person on the bench than Bloomberg?

Not to mention the next 150 lower court justices.

China has an unknown number of people in prison camps. Probably fewer per capita than the US, but I certainly don’t have any info I would trust on it.

It’s all academic. Bloomberg is not even trying to buy the Presidency for himself, but for Biden or whoever isn’t Bernie or Trump. And even then it’s academic for us because my vote is worth exactly the same zero that yours is.