Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

It’s not academic. There is no sane argument Bloomberg is nominating worse people to SCOTUS than trump. Sorry I can’t see it.

Have I mentioned you are an idiot. Run off now the adults are having substantive discussion. You havnt mentioned how super duper left you are lately.

No, he isn’t, for all the reasons laid out itt. You disagree, we get it. Nobody is changing their minds here so why not move on?

In conclusion, Bloomberg is a bigger authoritarian than Trump. But I would vote for him over Trump because he will authoritatively deliver policies that I prefer on the whole because he is not a complete fucking moron.

You could like not vote for either of them


I think calling what Bloomberg did as mayor, using the established legal process to extend the mayoral term limits by one term, “a disregard for democratic norms” is a pretty gross mischaracterization of what happened, unless there are some details I’m missing? It’s not like when he was voted out of office he refused to leave. That is an actual possibility with Trump. Like, just so you realize just how much your hatred of billionaires has screwed your perception, this is absurd.

Not voting is the exact same thing as voting for trump especially if you are in a swing state.

The ways that Trump is the bigger authoritarian are only limited by your imagination. “Trump” has done nothing wrong either, the “established legal process” via the Supreme Court and a jury of his peers in the Senate said so.

Voter suppression lol. Conservatives have been doing it 150 years, they’re gonna stop when one of them gets elected on the opposing ticket?

Internationally, you can’t unbreak that egg. Everybody knows now that our political process is vulnerable to takeover from an outsider with a different agenda. We are no longer reliable. No President can fix this, it’ll take another 50 years of consistency before the world forgets.

Even if I didn’t disagree with you, these aren’t important enough to accept the damage to our body politic, nor is him maybe nominating somebody besides party hacks to the bench. Climate change, maybe - - its an existential threat to us all, if I believed Bloomberg would take GND type action on this then sure, I’d vote for him and hope for the best. Short of that, still not convinced.

You’re left right?

It’s academic because Bloomberg is not going to be president. He is attempting to buy the presidency for Joe Biden. Of course that doesn’t mean that Joe Biden will become president either. Also, it’s academic because neither of our votes matter. I think there is about a one in a hundred trillion chance that Victor’s vote might matter though.

That is true.

It really is amazing that Bloomberg is an absolutely repulsive human being, and the overwhelming majority of people’s votes won’t matter one bit, and yet some want to impose a loyalty oath to Bloomy as some minimum of decency.

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Who wants to do that? Certainly nobody itt.

lol “Done nothing wrong” glad to see the past three years were just hunky doory with you. Everything he did in response to the impeachment inquiry did not respect the rule of law or the established legal norms. Not to mention colluding with hostile foreign governments to undermine our elections.

Point was that you defending Bloomberg grabbing a 3rd term just because it was done through a legal process is bullshit. Again the Supreme Court and the Senate has taken Trump’s side legally. If after 2020 we have Republican Senate and House then they can change the law so Trump can run for a 3rd term as President. Totally okay with you?

Hypothetically, if you had a choice between eight years of President Bloomberg or four years of President Trump followed by four years of the Democrat of your choice, which would you choose?

  • Eight years of Bloomberg
  • Four years of Trump, four years of someone good

0 voters

This is a very good question and not super easy to answer.

Does the Democrat of my choice get a dem house and senate too?

Imagine having supported Al Gore, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton and condescendingly lecturing people about electability.


You’re going to have to use your own judgment on the probability of Democratic control of Congress for either scenario. You can assume the question asks you to think about what sort of Democratic Party emerges from either scenario.

If the choice is only about the next four years then, sure, anyone but Trump, but if you are thinking about a longer timeline, then maybe it makes sense to consider other options. If a Bloomberg presidency leads to Democrats becoming a centrist party for the next three decades that is even more pro-corporations than it has been in the past, how much of a win is that in the long run?