Wrestlemania XLIII: Trump, or Bloomberg? GO!

This does make it much more interesting and difficult. As I’ve said before this next election is a no brainer for me. If I could pick anyone as president 8 years from now I think I still lean slightly towards removing trump but it’s really really close. I could change my mind tomorrow.

I don’t think some of the people who have said would consider not voting for Bloomberg have been very good at explaining why they consider that a more valid option than you do. I can at least see how I would have to consider it, but I’m hoping to not have to think about it too deeply on a meaningful level. I haven’t absolutely picked a side on this question, but I see it can be a topic for fruitful dialogue.

I could come up with some sort of Sklansky-esque equation involving the quantitative difference between Bloomberg and Trump and some hypothetical 2024 candidate and the probability that the Democrats win in 2024. There are those who say that probability is near zero because Trump will establish an authoritarian regime that doesn’t even pretend to be Democratic. There are those who say the gulf between Boomberg and any normal Democrat is much, much wider than between Bloomberg and Trump.

It depends on what assumptions you make about how politics work under a Bloomberg presidency or a Trump second term. It depends on how much you weigh the short- vs long-term, which can be more than eight years. It depends on a lot of things and when talking about politics, we have to be cognizant of other people legitimately having other priorities.

I did all those things up to the last step… that last HRC general election loss broke my fucking brain. She didn’t just cause me to actively dislike her (which I now very strongly do, and I didn’t have any real negative feelings towards her before she lost to Donald) it caused me to break up with the Democratic establishment. To be fair I had been close to giving up on them after they lost to W twice (a guy who I thought would probably end up in the history books as the worst president of the last century… boy was I wrong about that) but Obama had largely restored my faith in their ability to win elections if nothing else.

Just keep doubling down on assholery clovis. You’ll win this pissing match eventually.

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I’ll admit this whole topic set me off as I can’t fathom doing anything to even tangentially support trump.

I was really only an asshole to victor who is the only poster on this site in genuinely dislike. He never makes a single substantive post that isn’t solely about trying to demonstrate how super left he is. He just insults anyone who is right of him on anything.

My apologies to all except victor.

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You really should stop reading Victors posts it sounds like. He seems to bring out the worst in you lol.

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Very good point.

Fair enough. My main objection is defaulting to calling people idiots. I doubt that victor is an idiot and I generally only skim or skip these exchanges, but I feel similarly to all of the people who don’t want to cast their vote for Biden. I live in a dark blue state and writing Bernie in for 2020 here is not much of a risk. I whored myself to Hilary last time and I still feel dirty, but Biden seems like a step up, so maybe I’ll chicken out and darken his bubble. I guess I can console myself with the fact that we’re in for a shit show no matter who wins the election. Can’t see voting for Bloomberg though.

Of course Victor is not an idiot.