The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

He wants to run against anyone but Bernie so if Bernie gets screwed he doesn’t want them to support whoever the DNC picks.
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Futures down another 300

He understands shallow reality game shows. The US Presidential process is very similar to a terrible reality show, with the contrived rules, phony alliances followed by backstabbing, etc. etc.

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I don’t think it is more likely, but I am willing to embrace the variance in an attempt to upend the political establishment.

He wants to run against a divided Democratic Party with lines of cleavage that he can exploit. Preventing party unity is more important than ducking whichever candidate he fears most. He wants whoever loses to feel screwed.


Yeah, he must have thought up that cunning plan after taking some of the extra medical they had left over from the virus.

He’s mashing buttons, he’s always mashing buttons.
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It’s not 12 dimensional chess or whatever. Sowing division among your opponents is something kindergardeners can do.

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Without clicking I’m gonna guess these are his African-American?
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Sowing division among Republicans requires that they be harmed in some way. Physically or financially in a way that they can perceive immediately. The coronavirus is an opening to have a chance for that. Dems need to be aggressive on this and not be afraid of looking gross in their attacks.
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Republican voters are harmed all the time. A lot of them are harmed every month when they get the bill for their health insurance premium.

I’m talking about where they believe they are harmed. There are people who are capable of turning against Donald Trump, but not until they know someone who died because of Donald Trump. We’ve got to maximize our chances of reaching those people.

60 minutes apparently did a fluff piece on literal child murderer Eddie Gallagher. JFC sometimes I think the only sane thing to do is tune out entirely.


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