The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Politics is disgusting. I’m just telling you how it works.

It says 30% not confident in government but also says that people have much less confidence in all these other diseases spreading.

It’s a stupid thing to bad chest thumping about when it says on some diseases half the people have no confidence in the government.

If you just focus on corona, discount trump supporters and those who think it is about beer and you end up with the majority of people not having confidence. :hugs:

But my point was more that those other things like Ebola had much lower numbers yet they were also aimed at him and his administration.

To go further if I had a fast food restaurant and wanted to tout my fries with a report saying 70% of people like my fries, 50% like my shakes and 40% like my burgers. You would think I had a screw loose.



Inside the West Wing, there’s panic that Trump’s compulsive fictionalizing could trigger an even bigger crisis if the coronavirus truly explodes. “This is a black swan event,” a former West Wing official said. “The White House is concerned because they can’t control the virus and Trump wants everyone to get out there and say positive things, but people inside don’t have confidence the statements are accurate.” The official went on: “It’s one thing to get people out there saying, ‘we’re going to win the election’ or ‘the economy is great.’ It’s another to have the government say, ‘There’s nothing to worry about,’ but then people start dying.” While we spoke, the official told me that he was searching for face masks on Amazon, but the site was sold out. “I have to go,” he said, and hung up.


Fuck these people. There is not a single good person working in the white house at this point right down to the maids.

Anyone with an ounce of conscience would have left by now.

They are all pure trumpkins now and deserve zero sympathy.

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When people start dying, the administration will finally be caught in lies that won’t be as easily dismissed as fake news. Sure, there will be diehard Trump supporters who will never waver, but this will be what turns some people. It’s like how support for war declines as body counts rise.

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Zero chance this loses him more one percentage point of support.

One percent is significant in close elections. We should be looking for ways to send that one percent into panic mode so that abandoning Trump seems plausible to them.

I’m not sure how you can be so cynical and naive at the same time. It is at least equally likely that any crisis - health, economic, natural disaster, whatever - helps Trump. All his supporters already know exactly who he is. They’re not fooled by his bullshit, they wholeheartedly endorse it even at their own expense. We’ve seen this over and over again the past 3 years, and many here have already pointed out how easy it will be for Trump to shift blame elsewhere.


This place is not particularly well known in Tucson either, I have never seen or heard of it and have no idea what the area immediately around it is like because it’s at least 30 minutes outside the city proper. It is fairly close to a large retirement community that is presumably deplorable heavy as well as a super expensive resort that attracts wealthy people, my wife stopped in there the other day to pick something up and said the people there were ‘gross.’

They may not be fooled by his BS, but I don’t think they are quite willing to literally die for him. They don’t see dismantling Obamacare as dying for him; that’s too abstract. People they personally know dying of coronavirus is a much more accessible fact.

There was never any chance of Republican politicians turning on Trump unless supporting him harmed their re-election chances. Dying makes it hard to be re-elected. If it becomes sensible to avoid large public gatherings because of the coronavirus and Trump starts to pressure Republicans to show up to his rallies and pretend that nothing is wrong, do you think they dutifully show up or do you think some start to rebel?

This is not me with another iteration of saying finally we got him only for Lucy to move the football, this is me saying that the threshold for moving people has always been when Trump racks up a body count of white people and this might finally be the thing that crosses that threshold, but only if enough people die.

I think NBZ is right that this could be very bad for Trump and I think that’s true even if he had handled it super well.

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( twitter | raw text )

It provides a better opportunity for harming Trump than impeachment, which I always thought was more about rallying the base than turning public opinion against Trump.

It’s not a slam-dunk opportunity, but it might be the best shot that Democrats get, so they need to maximize the political effect of this. I thought we were going to need a bad war with excessive casualties to sway people, but this could work.

So the people telling the public not to buy facemasks on Amazon and everything is okay are desperately trying to buy facemasks on Amazon? Lol

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Let’s see him wiggle out of this one!

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He’s going to try and likely succeed in turning his supporters against immigrants and Democrats instead of against him. This is just as likely, if not more likely, to boost his re-election chances as it is to hurt them.

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It’s funny that Trump is completely right about the Dem primary

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I genuinely dont get it. Doesnt he want to run against bernie?