The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Hey geewhysee, I remembered this article that fans of the one you posted might appreciate. It speaks to me not just about the workforce but the dynamics playing out in modern politics.

How do you pin her to your side, irrevocably, permanently, and perfectly legally?

You create a sick system.

A sick system has four basic rules:

Rule 1: Keep them too busy to think. Thinking is dangerous. If people can stop and think about their situation logically, they might realize how crazy things are.

Rule 2: Keep them tired. Exhaustion is the perfect defense against any good thinking that might slip through. Fixing the system requires change, and change requires effort, and effort requires energy that just isn’t there. No energy, and your lover’s dangerous epiphany is converted into nothing but a couple of boring fights.

This is also a corollary to keeping them too busy to think. Of course you can’t turn off anyone’s thought processes completely—but you can keep them too tired to do any original thinking. The decision center in the brain tires out just like a muscle, and when it’s exhausted, people start making certain predictable types of logic mistakes. Found a system based on those mistakes, and you’re golden.

Rule 3: Keep them emotionally involved. Make them love you if you can, or if you’re a company, foster a company culture of extreme loyalty. Otherwise, tie their success to yours, so if you do well, they do well, and if you fail, they fail. If you’re working in an industry where failure isn’t a possibility (the government, utilities), establish a status system where workers do better or worse based on seniority. (This also works in bad relationships if you’re polyamorous.)

Also note that if you set up a system in which personal loyalty and devotion are proof of your lover’s worthiness as a person, you can make people love you. Or at least think they love you. In fact, any combination of intermittent rewards plus too much exhaustion to consider other alternatives will induce people to think they love you, even if they hate you as well.

The article is quite a bit longer than what I’ve quoted so I won’t excerpt the whole thing. I’ve returned to this one over and over.

Sammy is an illegal.

Am I suppose to be upset about this? Like hey teevee you’re responsible for trump and he’s going to shit on every one of you while you get rich for it. Maybe Van Jones shouldn’t have gone around trying to give Trump some credit for criminal justice reform which apparently wasn’t enough for Trump he wants to be thanked every waking moment.

This was discussed in the press conference yesterday where everyone weirdly kept crediting Trump. Pence continues to do so at every turn. It is extremely weird.

Also evidence that Trump’s ego is even more fragile than usual right now. This is clearly a concerted effort by aides to buck up his spirits.

i watched the jake tapper show replay and he asked about don jr saying democrats are on team virus and want tons of people to die in order to make trump look bad. he pressed him so softly, like, “i know you don’t think this, and i don’t expect you to criticize the president’s son, but…” and pence said the radical left are rooting for death

Tapper: Now I know you don’t think this–

Narrator: He did think th–

Pence: It’s true, I do think that.


He’s not wrong, I hope Pence has some very tightknit prayer circles with lots of handholding and hopefully French kissing when the cameras leave.

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Uh… that doesn’t say what you think it says sir.

What does it say? Because that poll blows me away and doesn’t make any sense to me.
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It says what the tweet said: About three in four Americans say they are very (31%) or somewhat confident (46%) in the federal government’s ability to handle an outbreak of the coronavirus.

Probably because the whole country, including trump, is still running around saying you should be more worried about the flu.

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Outside of Fox and Trump though isn’t every other source saying this is a huge deal? No way it should be that high if thats the case.

The survey was taken 3rd to 16 of February, so pre-Dow-meltdown and with not really any cases outside China for most of that time.

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I want Trump to look bad. If tons of people need to die from coronavirus for the that to happen…

There are a bunch of people who tolerate Trump because he leads to outcomes they prefer, but they are not willing to die for him. I’ve said that the thing that will get enough people to reject Trump is when his policies rack up a (white) body count. A coronavirus epidemic has the potential to get there and Democrats need to politicize the hell out of this even if doing so interferes with the administration’s tepid attempts to respond.

If you think I am advocating whipping up the populace into an unnecessary panic, well, maybe I am. We should be doing everything we can to decrease the people’s confidence in the ability of the Trump administration to manage the coronavirus.

First, that’s pretty disgusting

Second he’s going to blame the " dirty immigrants " and democrats and those people are going to eat it up. He will start going for even more draconian immigration measures and they’re going to love it.

All a high body count does is increase our chances for full on fascism.