The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Missed tweet behind a spoiler for all the bot ignorers:

As usual, Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve are slow to act. Germany and others are pumping money into their economies. Other Central Banks are much more aggressive. The U.S. should have, for all of the right reasons, the lowest Rate. We don’t, putting us at a competitive disadvantage. We should be leading, not following!


The podcast Knowledge Fight had an episode on this disposition that some no name Alex Jones hanger-on did in a lawsuit against Stone. Stone is a nutzo but the guy had no case and Stone taunted him and acted belligerent and it was pretty funny hearing two losers go back and forth.

Stock market up over 1%. Must be the market warming up to the idea of a Democratic President.

The ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ in my feed tell me it’s the market reaction to Bernie losing SC

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The teeth stuff is some of the creepiest shit ever. That guy isn’t right.

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Your pony got coronavirus

Will we ever tire of his non-stop vitriol? He’s so persistent that I’ve become numb to it, but maybe that’s the point of the exercise to begin with.

Stone is straight up SHOOK

I think there’s a really chicken and egg dynamic to the destructive personalities within contemporary America’s richer / better connected class. We kind of alluded to that in another exchange following a good post you had about how miserable and dysfunctional rich people are. The question with a Stone type is, was he

A. A natural born, thinly disguised sociopath that the system provides with ample opportunity to get ahead using his inherent sociopathic thought processes;

B. A relatively normal person whose acquired wealth and influence created sociopathic tendencies within him;

C. Neither A nor B, contemporary capitalistic western society creates harmonic waves of wealth → sociopathy → WEALTH → SOCIOPATHY … such that people are naturally herded towards greater wealth and power and greater dysfunction.

I think that perhaps my grand unifying theory for rich people behavior is that the truth is C, although obviously some people are born as fully formed sociopaths but I think they might tend to end up in jail before they get the power and influence critical mass to land on the rocket ship to super rich sociopathy.


Lol. Jesus he is brutal at times.


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They shouldn’t have blocked the license plate. They should be publicly shamed.

More than the shame of owning a Prius?