The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances


Another thing that needs to be a constant drum beat: the Republicans and Dumb Donald promised to improve your health care, instead they are trying to tear away the little protection Americans have in the middle of a deadly pandemic. They don’t care about your health or your security, they want to dine in Mar-A-Lago while you die in the streets.


Trump signed a peace deal with these guys

That’s a nice message but not exactly enthralling when your competing message is “we want to give you healthcare…but only in a manner that fills the pockets of the people who bought** our elections.”

I mean, I think I prefer the corrupt, disgustingly overpriced expanded healthcare… but I empathize with the counter argument against.

** Bloomer’s word, not mine
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This is literally a cut and paste error from a two-week old tweet endorsing Nicole Malliotakis.


wow dow up 5%. +1200. working hard! thank you!


My mom bought a used one within the last year and it is no fun to drive at all. I used to think that they were all driving so fucking slow to maximize gas mileage, but nope, they’re just slow as hell. No, I don’t recommend this product.

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Shoot that’s too bad. I have a friend with a Prius and another with a Tesla, and at first I thought the Prius was cool, but the stories about Teslas sound like you’re driving the starship Enterprise.
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lol @realdonaldtrump is a russian bot for sure
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Remember Ivanka being the moderating force lol

I’ve posted it before but she’s America’s Marine Le Pen. She’ll run in 2028 if Daddy Trump loses this year.


Oh she’s definitely running in the future, alough she might just get that VP gig in 2020 then become The 1st ever woman president in 2021-24

We have a Prius and I’m totally fine with its speed or lack thereof. Motorcycles are for fun, cars are for carrying stuff and kids.

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My friend bought a 2019 or 2020 and thought it was as fast as my turbo engine based on his previous pos car. I googled it. Like 0-60 in 9.x seconds lol.

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