The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

So I take a few days off here and it seems everyone has come around to the viewpoint of the impeachment is a failure and just Dems being Dems. What happened exactly?

I think some people just had unrealistic expectations about how much the hearings would affect Trump’s approval and how politically damaging it would be for Senators to acquit.

Have to hope Trump loses 2020, we get a real AG and everyone involved is charged


I dont get what trump (or whoever is thinking for him) is doing here. His far right base was already getting pissed he was not doing enough on immigration and fighting what they see as the (((globalists))) attempt to replace the white race. This i would think is only going to push them away even more.

And i dont know what to think about the whole thing either. On one hand there is antisemitism on college campuses from the left. On the other people should be able to boycott Israel. On the other making Jewish people an other and reinforcing the duel loyalty idea has never gone well.

Of course you do, because Hershey is the worst chocolate.

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You are only allowed to say WAAF here.

Or you can sit back and see Trump lost another court battle over his precious wall, we can find out as early as Friday about whether the House is getting Trump’s taxes, Trump’s cognition continues to decline in public, etc. But what’s the fun in that? WAAF.

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I know I feel completely comfortable with a racist, anti-semitic President just up and deciding to use his power to declare Judiasm a nationality. Hopefully the government will issue me some sort of badge I can wear to show off my pride.


Surely it’s worth american jews being othered and told they are assumed to have duel loyalty by default if it means some 18 year old kids can’t protest against isreal any more.

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Yeah, Rick Wilson is pulling a scam. He’s not an ally, none of the #NeverTrumpers are.


Nevertrumpers are allies of convenience only, until Trump is defeated. Then they will revert to being Repubes. People thinking they’re now Democrats are deluding themselves, hell even the ones who officially left the GOP are now calling themselves “independents.” Applying progressive purity tests to them is laughably dumb.


Like whoa back in early 2015 before Deals had embarked on his escalator voyage Rick Wilson was tweeting about Hillary’s e-mails? The hell you say

The only reason they’re not GOP now is because of Trump. If literally anyone else wins the GOP nom in 16 then they are who we thought they were dot Dennygreen


It’s probably obvious, but any decisions Trump loses in court will be portrayed by Trump and his surrogates as invalid, corrupt decisions made by extreme partisans, and his support will accept that. It’s a pretty serious conundrum considering these factions hold so much power. I don’t think there are many, if any, possible civil responses once you get to the point where this group will not conform to court orders and they insist on retaining control of government.

No, they aren’t even allies now. We can’t trust them to support reformist leftists. They should not be portrayed as allies, although that does not mean they should be vilified similar to Trump surrogates, either.


NeverTrumpers are happy with the Republican Party of 2012 but 2016 is too extreme for them. They should not ever be listened to.


( twitter | raw text )

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We’re really missing out on a lot of insanity by not having the bot post the hundreds of retweets Grandpa snaps off every day. Here’s a taste of 3 minutes of retweets:

He’s retweeted ~60 things so far this morning in about 90 minutes, working hard!

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