The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I always wondered what it felt like to be instantly erect.

That judge says the president lacks the authority to divert funds appropriated by Congress.


Say it again next tweet

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That’s actually from the last movie. So it doesn’t even make any sense.

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Seriously though, what pills is he on? I think it is some weird mix of benzos and amphetamines.
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Technically this is accurate.

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Draining the swamp is the first step towards reclaiming the land so we can erect a Trump Tower there.

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I know Wilson is a never Trumper but had no idea he was involved with Rudy/Manafort etc.


and wernher von braun was a nazi but look, we needed to find out how those rockets work


Perhaps foreshadowing what we can expect with the decision on Trump’s taxes and whether “shall” means what it obviously mean. Most notably, Kavanaugh argues in favor.

Ginsburg, in particular, asked whether Obamacare’s language, which provides that the government “shall pay” its obligations under the risk corridor program, also permits the insurance companies to sue the government if the money is not paid.

only Alito appeared to be a certain vote against the insurers

the rider did not repeal Obamacare’s language providing that the government “shall pay” its obligations under the risk corridor program

A majority of the court appeared to agree with Breyer that the rider did not shut down the government’s original obligation to pay.
-Kagan noted that the promise to make risk corridor payments “induced a kind of reliance” on the part of insurers.
-Roberts similarly suggested that insurers would not have entered the Obamacare marketplace in the first place if the government didn’t promise reimbursement under the risk corridor program.
-Sotomayor suggested that the text of the Affordable Care Act required the Department of Health and Human Services to enter into binding agreements with insurers under the program.

Meanwhile, Kavanaugh honed in on a textualist argument against the government’s position. Many federal statutes, he noted, provide that the government shall make a payment “subject to appropriations.” But Obamacare simply states that the government “shall pay” its obligations under the risk corridor program.

Congress, Kavanaugh noted, knows how to write a law that makes a payment contingent on appropriations. That’s not what it did in this case.

Calling actual lawbros with actual insight

Not a law bro, but I’d guess 7-2 - toss Thomas in the dissent, in his long history of being as useful as a stuffed owl.



The funhouse mirrors of government.

I would say filing in between Bush Jr. and Trump Sr. US global respect graph is like a mountain since 2000.


Lisa Page suing the DOJ. Thorough and robust discovery process one time, please.

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