The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

I’m sure it’s always been lawful to send flowers instead of bombs or send Aid instead of drones or send… You get the picture.

I hate religion because of the revenge nature of it… Fuck this punishment culture and fuck all who support it.

I’ve had a far better life experiences when I don’t punish my people but instead deploy compassion.

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Dropping those sanctions then Donnie?

Thought not…

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It should also be kept in mind when creating a democracy that it was only a democracy for land-owning white men. They knowingly suppressed the voices of everyone else. I would argue doing that is immoral.

Among the founding fathers, antislavery delegates punted on the issue for fear that no Constitution would ever be created at all. They didn’t even bring it up. They could have stood their ground but chose to allow enslavement to continue.

A) this seems pretty hypocritical considering Mitch’s argument has been that the house should stay out of discussions of how the senate runs its business. The constitution doesn’t give the senate the option of ignoring articles. (granted, mitch couldn’t give two fucks about appearing hypocritical)

B) just impeach the motherfucker again.


I think ‘I’m rubber you’re glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you’ politics is appropriate in this day and age, but forgetting to add ‘No backsies’ is…similar to the recent vote limiting Trump’s war powers while stating it’s merely a suggestion. I guess I don’t have a point.

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Compares Vietnam to Jim Crow.

I can see why your ilk compares Obama to a war criminal.

You’re almost there!

To be fair, Grant owned a slave. Hardly at a Washington or Madison amount.

Buy if that’s the only thing you contest, then it’s clear that your previous post was complete shit.

Do you realize Grant was more beloved in the Black
Community when he died than Lincoln was when he died?

Think about that.

Speaking of Grant and slaves

" The last president to personally own enslaved people was Ulysses S. Grant, who served two terms between 1869 and 1877. The former commanding general of the Union Army had kept a lone black slave named William Jones in the years before the Civil War, but gave him his freedom in 1859."

Your inability to acknowledge being wrong is pretty pathetic.

“He didn’t own any slaves, they belonged to his wife” has to be one of the absolute worst arguments I’ve ever read.


Listening to this guy explain away slavery in order to whitewash past American presidents is abhorrent.

anawhatever = npc? was that guy banned?

Pretty rare to see somebody so aggressively wrong about things and unwilling to acknowledge it.

No way. Posting style is very different imo.

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I don’t wanna be anywhere near where you are.

I don’t care if he’s banned or not. I won’t engage with people hiding though.