The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

Remember Ivanka being the moderating force lol

I’ve posted it before but she’s America’s Marine Le Pen. She’ll run in 2028 if Daddy Trump loses this year.


Oh she’s definitely running in the future, alough she might just get that VP gig in 2020 then become The 1st ever woman president in 2021-24

We have a Prius and I’m totally fine with its speed or lack thereof. Motorcycles are for fun, cars are for carrying stuff and kids.

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My friend bought a 2019 or 2020 and thought it was as fast as my turbo engine based on his previous pos car. I googled it. Like 0-60 in 9.x seconds lol.

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OK Gif :grin:

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So all the moderates are dropping out before Super Tuesday to try to stop Bernie.

Trump is gonna beat Biden and even if Biden somehow wins it won’t move us the right direction, just stop the slide for 4 years until the next Trump wins 2024 with both houses and uses Trump’s precedence plus actual brains to fuck us over permanently.

Fuck those who drop out 2 days before the main event just to try to stop Bernie


My last car was a bicycle, so it’s all transporter technology to me. I just want a car that can drive me on its own with minimal annual fatalities.

Only because Bernie insists on staying in the race as the front runner, so selfish.

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The effort was led by Indur M. Goklany, a longtime Interior Department employee who, in 2017 near the start of the Trump administration, was promoted to the office of the deputy secretary with responsibility for reviewing the agency’s climate policies. The Interior Department’s scientific work is the basis for critical decisions about water and mineral rights affecting millions of Americans and hundreds of millions of acres of land.

The wording, known internally as the “Goks uncertainty language” based on Mr. Goklany’s nickname, inaccurately claims that there is a lack of consensus among scientists that the earth is warming. In Interior Department emails to scientists, Mr. Goklany pushed misleading interpretations of climate science, saying it “may be overestimating the rate of global warming, for whatever reason;” climate modeling has largely predicted global warming accurately. The final language states inaccurately that some studies have found the earth to be warming, while others have not.

He also instructed department scientists to add that rising carbon dioxide — the main force driving global warming — is beneficial because it “may increase plant water use efficiency” and “lengthen the agricultural growing season.” Both assertions misrepresent the scientific consensus that, overall, climate change will result in severe disruptions to global agriculture and significant reductions in crop yields.
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In another exchange published by the New York Times in December, McCusker pushed back on Duffey when he suggested the Pentagon, not the White House, would be at fault for a potential breach of budget law.

“You can’t be serious. I am speechless,” McCusker replied.

The Government Accountability Office ultimately concluded the White House broke the law with its hold on the Ukraine money.

That McCusker reply sums up the entire Trump presidency. She had to have known her number was up for a long time, though. I mean she was pushing back again and again on the Ukraine hold and then got blamed for it.

In best Adam Schiff voice:

OMB: We are holding up the money for…reasons.
McCusker: I think that’s illegal. WTF is going on?

Several months later…

OMB: Hey so now that we’re in trouble for holding up the aid, we’re blaming you.

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I thought he didn’t do anything illegal and that’s why he had to be acquitted…

Nah. POTUS can steal as many gas station muffins and extort as many countries as he likes. Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it’s impeachable.

Opinions differ. I think we can all agree to reassess these tough questions as soon as a Dem is in the Oval.



meh, it’ll be trump jr, so there still won’t be brains.

Big boy brain has a big boy question

Trump: You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that would have an impact or much of an impact on corona?

Doctors: No, probably none.

Trump: What if, now hear me out, what if we slapped a big old label on them that said TRUMP USA CORONAVIRUS VACCINE, we could sell a lot of those.

Doctors: They wouldn’t do anything.

Trump: They’d make a lot of money.


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