Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

Biden gets the nom when Bloom drops out and ships his delegates. In return, Bloomberg is brought on as his running mate.

In a stunning gaff during his first debate against Trump, Joe declares he was proud to bring Pete on as his running mate. He stutters and corrects himself–but no one can miss how he seems to actually care about this gaff. Where’s the Joe who says whatever and doesn’t care?

Bloomberg doesn’t mind the mistake. He says his middle name, after all, is Pete. He winks, raises his eyebrows, and takes off his Bloomberg mask, revealing fresh-faced Pete Buttigieg.

No one can find the real Bloomberg, and in the ensuing debate over just how far back Pete replaced him, the DNC embraces the GOP strategy of “yeah I did it” and says since Pete has been disguised as Bloomberg since at least as long as he dropped out, technically those votes were for Pete.

Biden and Pete took an odd path to ascend to the presidency, but hey, you don’t have to take my word for it. The history books will do that on their own.


Ugh. Even just getting sick would be catastrophic from a political perspective… Take the Hillary pneumonia incident and throw on some Covid19 hype…

Trump gonna (semi) credibly run as the young, healthy candidate… smh, waaf, etc

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trade is good, tariffs are bad. The negatives of trade deals are often felt by small groups of people while the positives are felt by the entire country slightly as well as some more significantly. Obviously no trade deal is perfectly written, and some are worse than others. They would have to be horrificly written to be worse than the alternative of tariffs/import duties/restrictions. Nafta has helped all countries involved in terms of GDP quite significantly.

Also protectionism ends up with non competitive industries that end up dying on their own anyway. Free trade may accelerate the process, but look what steel tariffs did to the steel industry. I’m sure the Russian workers of the Lada appreciated having a job for 20 more years as a result of protectionism, still ended up with no industry and a country that paid too much for crappy vehicles

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OK so hear me out. I think I’ve just figured out what’s going on here. Klobes endorses Biden, then finagles her way onto the ticket as Biden’s VP once they all ratfuck Bernie during the convention. Coronavirus ebbs during the summer, but returns with a vengeance in late September. Biden refuses to back off his campaign schedule, saying he stood down Corn Pop back in '58 and he’ll be damned if he’s going to give into some dumb virus now. 87-year-old Biden comes down with some sniffles in early October, and the rest, as they say, is history.


I don’t know what you’re talking about. Personally I have no hard feelings and would love to sit down with her, have a beer, and watch her guy endorse Joe Biden in seven fucking languages.

OK seriously though I’m only doing these digs for the next 24 hours or so. :heart:

Moved post… :v:

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I appreciate this. I’m a little unclear on which positions you’re saying Americans in general and posters here included hold that you say are bad. Like I think most here would say trade good and tariffs bad, so I was unsure if you’re saying that’s dumb to anyone outside of America or the position you wish more people held.

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These are the voters whose opinions the Washington Post thinks are most important. It’s fucking beyond parody at this point.

Charlotte Sullivan, 70, the retired human resources director of an oil and gas company, plans to vote for Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) because she seems reasonable and willing to compromise to get results. “I’m a fiscally responsible Democrat, and I don’t go for Bernie’s socialism,” Sullivan said as she shopped with her daughter. “I will go for Bernie if he’s the nominee because I cannot tolerate Trump at all. But Bernie has dug himself into a trench, and he’s not going to be able to get out of it.”

Sullivan lives in the richest Zip code of Houston, a traditionally Republican neighborhood in Fletcher’s district that’s full of multimillion-dollar homes.

People were blaming Biden for Nafta as if that was a blackmark on his record similar to his Iraq war vote

Bernie thinks protectionism is good and brags that he was against Nafta

Whatever, worry about his extreme age after the primary. The youth demand a president older than Pearl Harbor for the first time since George HW Bush! One so old that on inauguration day he will be the oldest person ever in the office.


For you’re dad?

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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmm


Thanks Smacc, I’ll send that his way.

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Nah, it’s actually quite easy for the benefits to be funneled to the few capitalists, making everyone else worse off. The savings from trade are primarily the delta between the wages paid to American workers versus those paid to foreign workers. The capitalist pass along some of the savings to consumers in lower prices then keep the rest for themselves. The capitalists, with help of their bought and paid for politicians, sell the lie that these savings will be shared amongst the people but this is not true and was never their intent. In fact, they use their increased wealth from free trade to further buy off politicians, the media, etc. to further entrench their power and get other policies rigged in their favor.

The lie of free trade is bigger pie, and we will implement policy to policy to make sure the benefits of the bigger pie are spread out amongst the people. But the corporate tax rate in 1992 was 34% and today it is 21%, capital gains rate went from 29% to 20%?

How is the average person getting their fair share of the “bigger pie” again? Seems to me that from the perspective of the average person, what happened is that all that “surplus value” went to suppressing their wages and buying off their politicians to betray them.

Pay a little more attention in your economics class next time and learn to think fully and independently about the complete consequences of what you are being taught. Or you can just continue to be impressed by bigger pie slices.


Ahhhh I am following you now. Okay thank you.

See, we can end the divisiveness and reach across the aisle. Both warren and trump agree that there are too many muslim babies. This is a strong starting point imo.

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Basically Amy and Pete dropping out to get behind one candidate (Biden).

So we’re down to four, right? Bernie, Liz, Joe, and Bloomberg.

I suspect that eventually everybody but Biden and Bernie will drop out and the establishment will get behind Biden, stealing the nomination from Bernie. And if that’s the case, that motherfucker better run third party because fuck America.

Seriously, Pete was in third and dropped out before Super Tuesday. There’s no doubt it’s a set up to fuck over Bernie.




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So lately we have people debating whether to vote for Trump depending on how the primaries shake out. If that’s not enough to validate Team WAAF, good news, that is further proof WAAF