The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

If America were just a bit more sane then the Trumps would have the same chance of winning an election as the Le Pens in France.

I’m not up to speed on Tesla and haven’t driven one, but a guy with a stripped down dual motor version that he takes to the drag strip and races in the 10 and 7 second brackets. Blows the doors off of domestic muscle cars and gives Lambos a run for their money. I have felt the difference between gas and electric go-karts and there’s no comparison. The electric motor goes from off to full power instantly and they leave the gas motors behind. I’d definitely go electric if it works for your situation.

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SICK!!! Does your friend have any videos online?

Now you have got me thinking. A Model 3 is only $35k…

It’s just tough for me to justify the cost and environmental impact merely for the convenience. I have shaped my lifestyle carefully such that I almost never need a car. It doesn’t take a lot for me to feel like whoa, this is more than enough. Give the rest to someone else. It took me a decade just to upgrade my cell phone to something that cost more than $50.

Where are you racing electric go-karts? Florida perhaps? I’ve blasted some high-speed gas karts out west, but never electric.

lol i know right

Don’t get a Tesla Musk is a terrible person and his wealth is from slaves.


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I don’t know the guy who races those things. It’s a Tesla P100D. I have raced gas and electric karts in Western Washington. Both are fun as hell. Here’s a video of the Tesla racing guy:

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The worst thing about Trump is not stupid tweets or even stupidity in general. I would take a random pick from the small set of people less intelligent than Trump in a heartbeat.


A non retarded version of trump
Is more dangerous than trump.


Right, part of what is hilarious is that you think Bloomberg and Trump are the same person, just Bloomberg is smarter.

Random person off the street over Bloomberg also an easy pick, but then that goes for Biden too.

Trump is the poster boy for stupid is as stupid does.

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The music Bloomby picked for his ads bugs the shit out of me.
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poet laureate ITT.

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Help me finish this sentence.

Trump is the Usain Bolt of…

Things he is number 1 at: lying, conning people, abusing women, cheating, stiffing contractors, manipulation. There’s such a long list to choose from it’s hard to find the right one.

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