The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

President Donald Trump on Tuesday commuted the prison sentence of Judith Negron, who was serving time for her role in a $205 million Medicare fraud scheme back in 2011.
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Trump Jr went on to criticize Bloomberg for naming his media company after himself like some sort of egomaniac.


Hahaha oh wow. The workers were employed by contractors who his dad then refused to pay. This is insane. Just insane.


rally’s lmao

Junior is irrefutable evidence we are living in a simulation.

While I’ve worked very hard to manage my rage over the past 3 years, with general success, the sight of Don Jr., Eric and (especially) Ivanka running around without a care in the world, brimming with idiocy and too dumb and amoral to care, is just too much.


Nah. People like them have always existed. It’s when they go public that things get really bad for them. We’ve seen that before too. Things are moving crazy fast in historical terms. It took a long time for the guillotine to come out from the day Versailles was finished.

Get on TikTok. You’ll see a recurrent meme where stupid rich kids show off their families wealth. Is it incredibly obnoxious? Yes. It’s also the exact kind of thing that is causing people under the age of 40 to skew harder left than anyone born before or during the Great Depression.

And the best part is that there is absolutely no evidence that people actually become more conservative as they age. They become more conservative as they get richer, but that’s richer relative to their perception of what rich is. Seeing the nesting doll yacht flash their nesting doll yacht on social media is a very efficient way of making an accountant who makes 90k a year feel poor and support leftists.

Tiktok is a malicious app that takes over your phone for surveillance by a foreign intelligence agency


According to facebook (who first tried to buy Tiktok before they started ranting about what a huge security threat it was). I think there’s a good chance you’re running an android phone which means the thing was a surveillance device the day you bought it. They are accusing TikTok of doing exactly what the Facebook app does basically. No shit. So is every other app on your phone. If you thought anything you typed on your phone wasn’t being monitored at least at the macro level you deserve what you get lol.

It’s a standard social media invasive adware app that happened to be sold to a Chinese company. If you think the Chinese didn’t already have that data on you from FB or Google already I’m sorry that you’re naive. Privacy is good and dead. Has been for a while.

If you use gmail as your primary email address and think Tiktok is spyware that’s actually really funny.

This is like how angry we get about Huawei and then it turns out that every major organization on earth has been getting their encryption from a Swiss company that was a CIA front. Absolutely nothing on the internet is private. If you want privacy pen and paper is the technology you’re looking for.

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We got him!

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Case and point: he wanted to take notes, but he didn’t want people to know he was taking notes… so he took the notes on paper. Imagine how surprised everyone was when he started producing them after the FBI showed up.

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Another candidate for a pardon right here.

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This judge was personally threatened by Stone as I recall. He’s about to eat the max sentence 75% of the time. Judges generally dgaf.

The power to ego ratio on judges is pretty much 1:1 and they’re usually certifiable egomaniacs. Once you’re in front of them they are beings of absolutely incredible power.