The Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Episode VI: No Witnesses, One Defector, No Checks or Balances

No. Why would it be?

He will. We hate McSally.

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Fail. Ditch the second sentence, take away the exclamation mark.

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Rip off weekend at bernies.

Dems should have carried a civil war confederate soldier before the debate.
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But he doesn’t take a salary so it’s ok.

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Someone check on Preet


In 2016 Trump stiffed a bunch of municipalities for the cost of holding his bullshit rallies. What happened with that? All those places going to look the other way while he does it again?

They were mostly in pro trump areas right? If so I’m guessing they wouldn’t want dear leader to take shots at them online.

If there are some in Dem areas I have no idea why they aren’t suing.

Hello listeners,

If you want to listen to Anne Milgram and I losing our goddamn minds over the Roger Stone sentencing fuckery, I highly recommend our latest emergency WAAF mini-episode. Literally, you can hear our brains getting scrambled in real time, it’s great.

Tune in next week when Anne and I flip our shit over the Stone pardon! Sorry about the swears, kids!

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Suing a spiteful vengeful potus who already wants any excuse to hurt you probably not a smart move.

also idk how you get him to pay up anyway even if you get a court ruling.
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Director of National Intelligence? Ambassador to one of our most strategically important allies. Yep, those definitely sound like part time gigs to me.

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Um…feels weird hoping Donnie Diaper is right here

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