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Case and point: he wanted to take notes, but he didn’t want people to know he was taking notes… so he took the notes on paper. Imagine how surprised everyone was when he started producing them after the FBI showed up.
This judge was personally threatened by Stone as I recall. He’s about to eat the max sentence 75% of the time. Judges generally dgaf.
The power to ego ratio on judges is pretty much 1:1 and they’re usually certifiable egomaniacs. Once you’re in front of them they are beings of absolutely incredible power.
I hope you’re right.
It’s not going to matter what she sentences him to because trumps going to pardon him, so might as well give him both barrels.
This will be a great day for justice.
Depends on what you mean by matters. I’d rather he get sentenced and pardoned than a laughable sentencing equal to a pardon.
I wonder what the going rate is now for a Trump sentence commutation?
Imagine being called out by President mistake for a typo.
So by drain the swamp he meant to drain them out of the prisons.
Let’s be real here. Stone is gonna be insta-pardoned once sentenced.
And on the other end, I’m wondering if Gordo purchased a please fuck off or if Trump will come after him too. Unless he wants to donate another cool mill to Trump’s reelection campaign.
Edit: i forgot he already fired Gordo lol