Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

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Unfortunately, she can’t be VP for 5 more years.

Well aware of that. I didn’t say it was about her. She is a surrogate for the campaign though so easily could be teasing a major story like Bernie announcing his VP.

That’s brilliant :ok_hand:


What about an eligible member of the Squad? I would enjoy watching people flip out over that.

KLOBMENTUM WATCH: Amy surges to commanding lead in third-choice poll for Bernie voters!

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1400 twitter followers says pretty meh

AOC is constitutionally ineligible to serve as VP due to her age.

Your pony is constitutionally slow.


Was my post really that unclear, or is reading comprehension really difficult? If it was my wording, I’ll work better to write more clearly.

I think everyone who posts on this forum is very much aware of the fact that AOC is not old enough to be VP or President.


Announcing your VP pick before you are the nominee is dumb. See Cruz, Ted.

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Time to sound the WAAF alarm

One silver lining, PRE-DEBATE
Another silver lining, i guess they over-sampled olds (even for Florida)

Something to make you smile:


Nah, it’s just the regular lol olds in Florida.

I have to say, this Warren debate performance could not have come at a worse time.

A ton of votes already cast in NV due to early voting, demo in NV/SC are not great for her. So when the media covers these races, they will make it seem like she has not benefited much, when in reality she probably got a big boost in some Super Tuesday states and Washington. However with the media covering people other than her post-NV and post-SC, she’s going to start trending down again. She needs to keep dominating in the debates I guess to overcome the press from performing (relatively) poorly in NV/SC

One thing good going for her: mail-in ballots were delivered today in WA.

I love my “insurance”. I pick up my prescriptions once a month for free. All my appointments are free. They even have dental and optometry services on site for free.

Oh wait I don’t have insurance. I have tribal benefits because my great, great, great, grandmother was on the Dawes Roll. Damn single payer is fucking awesome! If only everyone had a distant relative that was a victim of state sanctioned genocide.

