Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I wish that fat POS would just disappear forever

If you want to replace M4A with everyone can have my insurance I’m fine with that.

  1. I’d pick the Klob side of a stapler duel with Buttigieg.
  2. Gotta fucking love it when Bloomberg says he has never taken any more from special interests. I’m sure if Koch ran for congress and said he hasn’t taken any money from them that might be arguably true, but he is a special interest. LOL!
  3. F jman’s insurance.

I had a PPO that covered basically everything and only a $250 deductible. It was really nice (obviously like $600/mo though)

My first job as an ADA with a county I had a Cadillac plan that cost nothing. All county employees got it. There was no premium. Everything was covered with like a 15 dollar copay for regular doctors 20 for specialists and that was it. No coinsurance, no deductibles, huge in network coverage and if you went out of network they still covered like 80 percent of what was reasonable and customary with an annual out of pocket max of like 2k. I was young and didn’t understand how good of a thing I had at the time.

That sounds like my last job’s HMO. Very low co-pays, everything covered, no deductible, the only downside was you couldn’t just see any doctor, you had to get a referral and it had to be in the network. I still liked that plan a lot. I was able to fix my knee with one of the best surgeons in the country, for only $300. It was like a 50k surgery.

I’ll be a little biased because obamacare literally saved my life.

I just had to get a colonoscopy and egd. So far they’ve billed my insurance $6500 over 6 bills (extra points for spreading it over 6 bills to make it as complicated as possible so no one can possibly understand what’s going on.) I’m responsible for $3500 out of pocket. I hit my deductible but still have 30% coinsurance until I hit some higher number.

Normally I don’t use my insurance at all. The only other time we’ve used it was when we had a child.

Looks like Liz is getting a little desperate

She should’ve made it more clear that she was only doing the first part of the below tweet only if everyone else does her challenge lol


So basically Bernie is being criticized that a nurses PAC choose to spend their own money to support him, but didn’t give him the money directly? Thats exactly what she agrees to above. I really hate to criticize Warren but she wiggles around on issues so much it is difficult not to sometimes.


SuperPACs for All Who Want It


Anyways its a wrap for her at the end of next week anyway. Sometimes one only gets a single chance for something and she missed hers 4 years ago. Kind of a shame she took one for Hillary but then Hilldog didn’t stump for her. I guess its not worth trusting people who are obviously not trustworthy.

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Nine dark money groups? Soon it’ll be 13 angry dark money groups and then 17.



I know his handlers won’t allow it but I hope Pete is finished politically after this. What a fucking rat.


BTW Tomorrow is the last day to donate to campaigns and them have time to buy Super Tuesday ads with the money

God damn Pete is an insufferable piece of shit. How can anyone with a conscience support that attack coming from him of all people?


Who needs Bernie Bro’s when you have GOPete