Democratic Primaries 2020 - Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

That WI poll is an outlier to me but I do have Trump barely ahead there. Rural WI wasn’t that red in 16 is the problem. Those numbers say WI is basically Iowa which if that’s accurate MN is also red. not even swing state level :/

Would mean AZ (definitely a more moderate D typically than bern), NC, GA is the place to attack instead of WI, and this forum keeps saying they want two old white people as the ticket. Let’s pick a minority VP please.

Good PA numbers for bernie/biden. MI a little weaker for all dems than I thought.

(klob’s #'s generally have to be ignored because a lot of people do not know who she is compared to biden or bernie)


Sound familiar? (HRC)

Liz and Pete are good campaigners. Not as good as Bernie, though.

But how will we pay for it?


It gets the job done.

Got a letter from bloomberg today lol. Hey maybe it was his plan to get so fucking dunked on last night that people would want open his letter the next morning just to see if there was anything interesting in there

Serious question but does anyone besides jman actually like their insurance? I just got a bill for labs for $2600. After my insurance discount I only owe $700! What a deal! And I actually have good insurance relatively speaking these days.

This whole “if you like your shitty insurance you can keep it” would be a dumb as fuck argument if it didn’t seem like it worked. Which seems crazy to me.


Which three are those?

I’ve had my insurance for the past five years and haven’t had any major problems or annoyances with it.

Genuine question as a Canadian who never has to worry about that, what do you mean by this? That you haven’t gotten sick/hurt? Haven’t had any out of pocket costs? The insurance costs aren’t too much? Your employer chooses your insurance so you don’t have to waste much time on choices?
Trying to understand any upside here.

Re: Wisconsin poll, does that make it more likely for a Tammy Baldwin VP pick? Shes currently trading at 5th in the predictit VP market @ 8%, up from 5% 3 days ago. Nina Turner is 14%, Abrams/Warren/Klob 12%, and Tammy and Kamala 8%

I know the Dems would then need to find someone to win an election to replace her, and losing her Senate seat would be pretty disastrous, but worth if she helps win Wisconsin? Bernie campaigned for her in 2018 and she crushed her opponent by 11%.

Just remembered Dem convention is also in Wisconsin…

I work for a major university. I have Cadillac insurance. It’s still a giant pain in the ass.

Although it only costs me $95/month so I can’t complain too much. There’s even a free (to the employee) option with a higher deductible.

I have a chronic health problem that I have to see a doctor for, I go every three months. So that’s fifty bucks for each doctor’s visit, and 10 dollar copays each for two prescriptions. By problem or annoyance, I mean I’ve never had to call my insurer to fix a problem or get something covered or payed. Some minor annoyances with getting a certain medication ordered but nothing significant. I get labs each visit and I’ve never had to pay for them, I guess they’re covered? So I pay a few hundred dollars out of pocket a year and haven’t had to deal with any significant hassles. And what comes out of my check is like 117 bucks a month. And the out of pocket cap is fairly reasonable as well, something like $3,500. So all in all, pretty low costs for me and pretty minimal hassle. I haven’t had any problems.

I’m not saying there is any upside to my insurance vs. Medicare (which my dad has with supplemental insurance and seems to like just fine), just to answer WDM’s question, yes I’m happy with my insurance. I know that plenty of people have nightmare insurance stories but I have had to use my UHC-administered insurance quite a bit and haven’t had any issues. I might have been lucky but I don’t think anyone I’ve worked with has had any serious insurance issues either. Everyone seems pretty satisfied with it.

I’ve referenced this before but I’m going a pretty severe health problem at present. I had a band of deductibles (1K up to 10K) and I just got the bill for the 5K invoiced today, which seems reasonable so far since it’s what I signed up for to keep my premiums at what I felt was an acceptable level.

Otherwise, I’m into somewhere at 300K with all bills paid in full, including meds (I think there might be ONE consultant bill that may not be fully covered - we’re looking into it) - including otherwise emergent brain surgery, 2 ICU visits, 2 MRI’s oncology/PT/OT evaluation - and an extra ER visit/CT scan/ultrasound for DVT requiring emergent angiogram suite for IVC filter and retrieval in 2 weeks. So (so far) it’s been very good. I would note that our office has a full time minion that wrangles our benefit package for all 64 docs who is a genius about this stuff (and we compensate her appropriately for being the genius) - it’s entirely possible that I’d be totally screwed if that wasn’t the case.



You’re a good egg Hobbes and I hope everything ends up ok and stay posting with us for a very long time. I want you here for the revolution.


This is pretty shocking to hear, but I’m glad it’s working for you. I have a chronic autoimmune disease. The last 18 years have been a nonstop battle with insurance companies. It’s a constant issue for me, and I too have what should be decent coverage. I have a $5k deductive every year and usually hit that by the end of Jan thanks to one med. I also have many friends in the same position, with varying levels of insurance plans, and I hear nothing but horror stories from them. I’ve seen a few of them get very sick and end up hospitalized because their insurer denied coverage for something.

The current system sucks. It sucks really really badly. Anecdotally there are some people who make out ok. Those who aren’t sick or injured and those who are super lucky, like yourself.

Side note: hope everything turns out for the best, @hobbes9324. Glad you have a resident genius to help take away some of the stress. Keep your head up and fight like hell to get through whatever you’re facing.


So looking at lolPredicit’s map, it’s looking like Pete takes IA, Biden gets a chunk of the Deep South, and Bloomberg gets FL. Maybe Klob gets MN? We’re on track to a trainwreck where no one has an incentive to drop until the convention.

You guys should really appreciate Mike bloomberg; enters race spends $500 Million–turns out while he might win a few states it’s mostly helping bernie sanders and now entered the debates where all that did was mostly save warren when she was going to drop out in a week.

Warren, thanks to bloomberg in the debate, has enough $ to at least get to super tuesday (MA?)

Steyer is picking up delegates from SC too, he’s somehow within range of winning that state because $$$$$$$.

Bloom was actually running right behind bernie in a number of states or right with him (AR/OK/IL/NC) before that debate anyway. His PI #'s were real.

MN poll has klob up 6 over Bern before the debate.