The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

He can’t answer because he’s banned for misogyny, apparently. Plus wookie doesn’t owe us plebes any answers.


Do not apologize for their feelings.

If you notice that you say things like “I’m sorry you feel that way” or “I’m sorry if I hurt you” congratulations, you are the reason articles like this exist.

You’re not there to apologize for their feelings. You’re there to apologize for your own actions and words, and being thoughtful about how to express that is paramount in helping them to feel acknowledged, not belittled.

It would have been fine without the first sentence and the mods’ history with the poster seems to lead them to believe it was a deliberate trolling attempt, I guess.

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I mean.

This is not the only post going along these lines.

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I don’t see anything in that post that’s calling you a deplorable or immoral or whatever.

Certainly not worth quitting over, which I find crazy. This whole thing is bewildering to me. I’m amazed it’s even as close as it is.

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You are certainly making me wonder. This place is clearly a lot worse than I hoped it would be.

You missed the other 500 word thread where they objected to being called a clique.

I think bitch is a way more in action oppressive phrase to women than ■■■■■

We should probably poll that as well if misogyny if the grounds.

I am going to stop if centrist is not added to the filter.


It’s basically impossible to believe the outrage is genuine given these are the same two opposing sides for the 15th different iteration.

The idea that the word would censored is mind blowing moronic. Either decide that using it is a ban worthy offense or no. What do black squares do?


If every single no vote is condescension for women here then people who vote no are not so nice as far as people go.

I mean I was probably out anyway. This place does not seem to be able to put things aside and break out of its cliques. This will all happen again. It’s not about the word.

Plus I’m sick of the do it my way or I quit ultimatums so I figure I’d take the other side of one.


You know not every thread needs to be derailed with this “they started it” nonsense, right? The posts goading others are just as annoying and disruptive as the responses, if not worse.


The answer to this is obviously no and people with banned accounts? Self requested or otherwise, should not be allowed to post here under any account.

This is pretty obvious and pretty simple. We shouldn’t be playing games like this.

We can sensor (vnx but we don’t actually enforce bans? That sounds like a plot that was clearly lost.


That was already decided. The people who want it banned did not like the decision so here we are.

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But why?!

Will they read the sentence in their head as “Boris Johnson is a 4 tiny black squares? Well i disagree, but not offended”?!

How is this real?

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Of course, he created multiple accounts to circumvent a temp ban, or is that OK as long as it’s to demand a permban?

Yeah I don’t get that part. I mean if the word is that bad adding a bunch of stars over it should make no difference. Just ban the poster for using it. Stars or not.

If someone used the N word but it was blocked out they would still eat a ban.


All the women that post here told him

What? No. I anti-ban you. Yous can’t leave. jk obv, but stay.

Just barely enough. Maybe.

eta: The squares themselves do nothing. But this place being a place that votes to force those squares maybe does something.