The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

Yeah I read that and was surprised - unless maybe it was a lyric?

Which does raise the question of how our female posters feel if they read the word in a newspaper or online, or in one of the many works of literature containing it.

Are we not allowed to quote Joyce’s famous description of the sky?

(In before oh you poor snowflake wgaf about literature)

Guidelines, rules…Call them whatever if Blackbeard gets to do whatever they want there is not much point to them.

I don’t see it that way. At least not all of the people who voted not to moderate, or only to moderate certain uses of the word.

Yeah I read that and was surprised - unless maybe it was a lyric?

The time I saw it was deliberate trolling of the mods, the post seems to have been deleted so I can’t remember the exact context but it wasn’t quoting anything.

Reminds me of you when you jumped into an argument and threatened to ban somebody for using a word in the very thread where the community had voted not to moderate it in the context of the way it was used during that argument?


That doesn’t count because of who the target was. Come on.

Good point guy who constantly antagonizes them with petty snipes like this post.


You should of stopped there…

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My take, this solution is basically free and only requires moderation when someone chooses to circumvent the filter. The only cost is that people who want to casually call each other female dogs are unable to. If they are as witty as they think they are, then surely they will be able to find better insults that do not involve potentially offending a large disenfranchised group. If you don’t think this solution is reasonable, then I don’t think your view is reasonable. Hope it passes.

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Oh, right, I must consider that the nay voters gave earnest consideration to the feelings of the women here before deciding that using one particular word to describe Boris Johnson was just barely more important in this incredibly difficult vote.

Since you’re talking about 2/3 of the people who voted some form of no in the poll, yes? And your post dripping with condescension is duly noted. You’re a great mod dude, keep it up. (That was sarcasm)

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Every single no vote is condescension at our few women here, a vote that their disgust is small potatoes compared to whatever lofty ideal they claim is more important.

Do we have that on record? Because the only one I remember weighing in was lapka, who said she didn’t care iirc. Somebody else said that previously Sky posted roughly the same opinion, but I have to admit I’m not sure if that was true or not.

would it blow your mind to find out that the word doesn’t offend me personally, but that I still want it banned because of the harm it does to the forum and other members?

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Well it seems like most of the popular kids clique thinks anyone who votes no is immoral and uncaring. A deplorable.

So with that said put me down for the other side of this bet. Never was much for staying in a place I’m unwelcome.

No it wouldn’t. But I would remind you that the community voted on it and our side lost the vote. And it does bother me that wookie thinks all the woman on the site are disgusted and offended by its use, when 2 of the most prominent woman are on the record that it doesn’t offend them.

how can you stand to post here?

@nobody jman even said that he thinks most people voting no are doing so because they don’t understand the context, not because they are bad people.

why in the world is this post hidden?

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Bunch of silly geese hold in higher regard their cultural deference to a particular group of letters than the feelings of some actual humans? Cool.

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