The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

Wilton Blue Jays (Ct.): "Now yous can't leave " -Sonny LoSpecchio ( played  by Chazz Palminteri) in "The Bronx Tale "


I’m cool with banning anyone that uses the word (censored or not) outside of the UK threads.


I honestly don’t get it. Can you try to explain? How does it make this place better that the word changes its visual form from 4 recognized letter combination to a recognized image?

Fwiw I’ll never use a word i think genuinely offends people i don’t want to offend. I have never even encountered that word in any thread i’m reading here (buy my advanced course to learn how). I’m also perfectly okay with banning it.


But this place being a place that votes to force those squares maybe does something.

Lol I think you nailed in one sentence what I’ve been trying to formulate in my brain all day but couldn’t quite get all the way there.

Some people want this to be a site where we make an effort to respect words and their meanings and who they may cause harm to, even if that person may not be present or even care.

Other people want this to be a place without restrictions, and the freedom to say what they want without repercussion. Even if they’d never use such words, they’d like the freedom to do so if they want.

To me, this is looking like a Politics vs Politics Unchained culture war. I think the 4 black bars (once I figure out the correct regex so it does not bleep the entire word) satisfy both camps’ wishes - you can still use the offensive word, but we’ve made the effort to show that this word deserves to be hidden, because of what it stands for to some (read: a lot) people in the world.

I don’t think, if you are in the no bleep camp, that these 4 bars are really doing what you think they’re doing. Nor do I think they show any kind of hypocrisy because we don’t bleep other words or whatever - I find these arguments very fallacious, and if you genuinely buy into them, please think about them a little bit harder.

I just want to say again how many websites and organizations bleep these words globally. It is a solved problem. No one has this kind of meta-argument over banning the ■■■■ word. It’s been decided already.


This is what the poll should be about because I think it’s what a lot of the “No” votes are based on. If a word is bad enough to be censored it should just be bannable to post it or it’s going to turn into a silly game of line pushing where people start trying to be sneaky to dodge the filter.

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It’s a purely empirical argument. If people who don’t want to see the word are less unhappy to see asterisks then it does something to put in the asterisks. Are they feeling less bad because they have a different set of symbols in front of their face or do they feel less bad because 59% of the people here voted to do something rather than nothing? Would they feel better if everyone who posted it were banned? Would those bannings cause other problems that then made this place worse? Are the people who would have been banned ok with the filtering?

I don’t have to explain the reasoning of any of those people to have observed their comments and reactions and try to find a way that works out the best.


Can we please not do this?


Based on what many of the people from UK/Ireland have said they are not looking for a silly game of line pushing.

I think it’s pretty clear though that most, maybe all, of the UK/Ireland posters, and I think probably most and maybe all of the Aussie posters, feel that this site has lumped them together and is being unfair to them. Maybe they’re mistaking some people’s posts and intentions, but they’re certainly not entirely wrong. And a lot of this is related to that. That’s something to keep in mind I think when any ideas to ban people are being discussed.


This a longtime coming. The in group out group thing wears on me and is not going to go away and will eventually lead to bans of the unwanted. Just a matter of time.

A misogynistic term, still used here…,for Sara took me out of 2p2 so it seems fitting I go out in the great UP C word debacle.

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I think people make too much of these short tempbans. I know I’ve said that before.

I don’t expect people to start getting perma’d and if I think it’s based on in-group/out-group I’ll do everything I can to oppose it.


I mean I hope I’m wrong but I don’t think I am. It’s a good community and what makes it good is all the flavors.

Either way there is more to it then just the group dynamics or being told a no vote is condescending to women. It’s time.


@jmakin when do the polls close? I’ll need to look through my horse porn to go out in style.


I don’t know, I don’t think it should be too long, because then people will just fight all weekend about it. Too short and not everyone gets a vote. A lot of people have voted though already. I’m all for just making it end by tomorrow evening, to give everyone a chance to have their say (all the daily active users) in 24 hours. That seems fair to me. Welcome other input but this really just shouldn’t drag out for more than a day.

And also, if you are not a daily active user in the last little while and vote in this poll, I consider you highly sus.

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And please do not fucking post horse porn or anything illegal on here or I will hunt you down. I’m saying that in a joking way, but please do not.


Today I finally realized that horse porn might not be porn for horses


I was just kidding.

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If the forum is going to be ruled by tantrum and not maturity, it dying off is probably not a bad result.


Hmm… I hate slippery slope arguments but where does this end?

Other words have already been suggested. How many people have to be offended to get a word on the list.

Not going to lie I find this whole idea of filtering words offensive and I have probably used the first replaced word more in the last two days than I have in 50 years.

If people are speaking in a way you don’t find polite enough, then block them. If they are being aggressively offensive it becomes a moderation issue.

What we should not be doing is pushing the bad word snowball off the mountain.


This is answered in the other C word thread

How does voting yes protect women? That is somd white knighting nonsense.

I can’t believe how unbelievably immature this place has become, full stop.

People that know they are being offensive and insist on doing so should be flat out banned. Bleeping language is absolutely insane and doesn’t save anyone.

At least this place will be safe for the evangelists when they come by. “JOIN UP! WE BAN 724 words so you can feel safe.”

I will say it is pretty fucked up the British posters here have no consideration for others in this regard. When the whole “spaz” issue came up years ago, everyone agreed to be cool with it because they find it offensive.

That is how all of this should work. It didn’t happen then because 22 has a stupid filter. I don’t want to to be like 22.