The Great C-Word Referendum - A Poll

My understanding is that actual women on this actual forum have said they don’t like the term. That’s easily good enough for me.

That is how all of this should work. It didn’t happen then because 22 has a stupid filter. I don’t want to to be like 22.

Given that we just established in the last day or so that a near 100% of active users are from 22, I find this odd. What sucked about it was never the swear filter. No one complained about that at all.

What’s interesting about this entire thing is that some people both voting yes are arguing with each other, and some people both voting no are arguing with each other, and then of course plenty of yes versus no arguing with each other as well. It’s a complete clusterfuck.


Pretty much this. Bleeping it has is a puritanical half measure filled with nonsense.


The only two that I’m aware of that have spoken up have both said that they are not personally offended by it.

I thought I read in one of the other threads that someone was. I really don’t care either way unless it’s bothering the women on the forum, of which we have precious few. Then it should be absolutely bleeped imo.

So my vote is neutral unless one forum female doesn’t like it, then hard vote to bleep it.

I dunno about the women, but I’ve seen at least one man post that it offended them and they would leave if it wasn’t bleeped or continued to be posted.

Fuck that ■■■■ then.

Oh wait that was will right? I don’t want to lose him. My vote to bleep stands.

I still say we should replace it with “Marjorie Taylor Green” or maybe MGT.

That we can just keep going back at the Apple over and over day after day until you achieve the result you want makes these place far more dysfunctional than the US government.

Several people are upset there is not enough law and order here and are now just going to extreme to instill the law and the order.


I agree with nobody. This isn’t a moderation problem. This isn’t a rules problem. It is a fundamental problem with a large number of people here who seem incapable to let anything go as well as those who love to threaten and issue ultimatums.

There will be a brand new issue next week, and then next month. It is not going to stop because s word was blurred out. People don’t know when to let stuff go and insist on unburying corpses after they decay.


I don’t understand being really upset that you can’t post the word ■■■■■ That makes no sense to me.

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but muh freeeedddduuuummmsss! Is basically what it boils down to.

From the start this has been weird to me, because like jmakin said, this is a settled issue. I literally know of no international internet forum/community/site/platform that doesn’t censor/ban the word. Maybe that’s why I get so upset, because it seems so damned obvious to me.

i wonder if anyone still uses the ■■■■ app.

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I thought we had already voted on this?


For the 4-5 main drivers of this debate, it’s not about being able to post that word, and it never was. It’s about trolling the people who are offended by it. For everyone else, it’s about freedom, and not understanding the effect it has on others. The no’s are like 4-5 people acting in bad faith, and the rest not grasping the issue. It’s not a significant forum-wide problem.

My $0.02 is that there are good arguments and posters I respect on both sides of this question. I don’t think we need to take it personally if someone disagrees on this. It would be nice if everyone could abide by the outcome. And if the outcome is horrible for some reason, we can always reconsider.


So you assume nobody here is black?

Every time it is blocked out I still read the word in my head. This is accomplishing zero and we are attempting to treat a symptom that won’t address the underlying cause.


Um…when a poll fails.

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If the goal is to avoid offending people it would be better to disallow it being in a post altogether. I think jmakin mentioned that was a possibility. The asterisk\block doesn’t really help much, we all know what word it is, and it may cause it to get used more as a joke.

I’d rather the community flag stuff like this for moderators to judge context and clean things up when necessary. If it’s being used so often that it’s too much work to moderate, then I’ll join the ban it group.


There is zero chance I am reading that. I don’t want to read any of this stuff. But this nonsense keeps coming up more frequently and it is clear that one can not just ignore it as too many people are wrapped up in these ongoing arguments.