The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

A variety of reasons. Weather, family and friends, trying something new. We’re moving from high COL to high COL so it won’t be a price shock, but I would still obviously prefer to spend less money living

Miami seems alright.

If you like crypto bro mayors and the Atlantic Ocean at your feet during rainstorms, Miami is great

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Maybe if you’re in your twenties. Otherwise it’s a huge PITA onto live in on top of being extremely expensive. There are lots of beautiful people living there, however.

I like at least occasional cool weather. I lasted in Miami for 5 months then left.

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Mr. DeSantis was always bound to be subjected to more scrutiny as a candidate, rather than a candidate in waiting. His decision to challenge Mr. Trump — who remains a favorite of Fox News’s audience and some of its hosts, including Ms. Bartiromo — was also certain to result in sideswipes from fellow Republicans.

But taken together, the signs of skepticism from previously friendly conservative megaphones suggest that Mr. Murdoch’s media empire might now be reassessing him as the early shine comes off his campaign.

Even if Mr. Murdoch’s outlets as a whole are less determinative of outcomes in Republican politics than they once were, they remain influential, and G.O.P. candidates and major party donors still pay close attention to their coverage.

The media mogul likes to watch political races play out, even live-tweeting reactions to one of the Republican presidential debates during the 2016 election. Mr. Murdoch has privately told people that he would still like to see Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia enter the race, according to a person with knowledge of the remarks. And he has made clear in private discussions over the last two years that he thinks Mr. Trump, despite his popularity with Fox News viewers, is unhealthy for the Republican Party.

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he thinks Mr. Trump, despite his popularity with Fox News viewers, is unhealthy for the Republican Party.

Murdoch prefers a candidate that will kill us all.

If I’m grocery shopping in Florida I’m going to Aldi. Or a Mexican market if I can find one.

For Airbnb rentals Jacksonville was at least pretty reasonable, Miami and Tampa, Miami especially was not.


Northeast Florida is still relatively reasonable housing price wise, at least relative to other habitable places in Florida.

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I have a million grocery stores within a few minutes of my house. Publix is next door to my neighborhood, literally around the corner, so that’s my #1. Prices there are ok overall, not really much different than anywhere else. Certain things I won’t buy full price and will only get when they have BOGO deals and what-not. Those deals are good, but Publix doesn’t tend to have incredible prices on anything. Basically, the ceiling for their prices isn’t bad, but the floor is higher than other stores.

Quality of the bakery, produce, deli, etc. is very high.

I’ve been shopping at Kroger more lately because there is one next to where my son has an activity and we switched to the Kroger pharmacy last year. Kroger stores are noticeably worse than Publix when it comes to lighting, organization, layout, etc, but they have a wider range of low prices. Shit, I just bought half gallons of ice cream for $2. They also always have bulk packages of chicken breasts for a good price. Produce is worse than Publix and the bakery’s selection is inconsistent (they have great glazed doughnuts and cookies, though).

Kroger gets a big thumbs-up for fuel points.

Among the other stores near me is Wal-Mart neighborhood market. Sucks overall. Prices are really not that great except for select items. You can find some really odd varieties of snacks there, though.

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Me too. In terms of price absurdity it goes

  1. Erewhon - I think this is only in LA. It’s the most ridiculous place ever. Literal $30 smoothies.

  2. Gelson’s - At least Erewhon’s $30 smoothie’s are unique, Gelson’s just sells the same stuff for like 50% more than other markets. Prepared foods are good I guess. Most of their stores have wine bars.

  3. Bristol Farms - The gentile Gelson’s.

  4. Whole Foods - Unfortunately the above make it seem reasonable to shop at WF.

Then Von’s, Ralph’s, etc. I don’t perceive much of a difference between them. I buy a lot of my food at Costco. Then the next tier I guess is TJ and Aldi? Never been to Aldi, TJ’s does nothing for me. And then we have the local chains with ethnic foods, Super King and Jons. Both are good, I go to Super King to get my kasha.

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It’s really insane how many grocery stores I have nearby. Publix next door plus TWO more just a few minutes away. Kroger a few minutes in either direction (correction: there are THREE near me). Wal-Mart Neighborhood Market plus a regular Wal-Mart down the road. Sprouts. Whole Foods. Aldi. Lidl. Hell, throw in Target.

EDIT: I forgot Trader Joe’s.

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To each their own, but I would never shop at a Publix and support a mega conservative donor.

The above article says Publix is distancing itself… But the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree imo

Since news broke of Fancelli’s involvement in funding the Jan. 6 rally, Publix has distanced itself from the heiress, writing in previous statements that Fancelli “is not an employee of Publix Super Markets, and is neither involved in our business operations, nor does she represent the company in any way.”

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In Vegas it’s kinda sad, at least around me. I feel bad for those without a vehicle I live in a gated townhouse community near University Center and Twain. I bought back in 2019. The closest walking grocery is a ancient VON’s on Maryland/Twain. The selection there is poor for proteins. Buying steaks there is a laughable experience unless you like thin cuts. Far closer are at least 4 7-11’s to gouge the low income locals. There’s an Albertson’s on Maryland/Flamingo that is a bit better. And a Smiths on Maryland/Sahara that I go to only if I am lifting across the street at LVAC. Otherwise I go to the Smiths on DI/Decatur. I buy most of my protein at Costco in Henderson. It’s often cheaper and way better meat. I have to get away from my direct area if I want to find better proteins and a properly staffed Albertons/Smiths. Oh yeah F publix I guess (Although I have two cousin’s who are in management in the Orlando Area. Both Liberal).

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Pasadena is getting an Erewhon! Can’t wait to never shop there!

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I’ve been eating better since moving from suburban NH to N. Virginia, since from my apartment I can walk to:

Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and a Spanish market/butcher, while being a short drive from a Giant and a 7 minute drive from an H-Mart.

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas. Except Threesomes.

Mergers and aidsquisitions jk

We should consume far less period. Insurance, auto… all sorts of shit. Work locally somehow

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Publix subs are better than any chain sub I have had, real talk, except perhaps the Engineer fully involved at Firehouse, which is incredible. If you have not tried it, the chicken tender sub is just god damn amazing. They put like an entire chicken worth of, well, chicken on the damn thing, before you get any extras. When I’ve shopped there I just got the awesome honey mustard, no other condiments necessary, plus lettuce and tomato.

Yes it sucks bad, I agree. However, I do not fault them that much for donating to Republicans because, after all, Democrats have not held any power AT ALL in Florida since legit before the turn of the century. Who else are they gonna donate to? What pisses me most about them is that they are union busting shitbags.