The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

Hoo boy. I genuinely am not sure if I’d be able to not punch that dipshit in his face if I ever had the displeasure of meeting him.

Omg, wtf.

Video isn’t great, but my understanding is that DeSantis is actually the more moderate Republican option. He is sure to pivot to a “not murdering all LGBTQIA+ people” position in the general.

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The new jindal hotness coming for that number two spot

Ramaswamy is populare because he says WOKE a lot. Same plan as DeSantis.

Looks like his business career has been pure snake oil so thats a plus.

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Thankfully no one like that has every become President!


His career as a pharma bro seems to be 10% pharma and 90% bro.


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He should name Elizabeth Holmes his running mate.

Can’t pick someone with a (fake) voice deeper than his.

He can’t run solo (or can he).

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He can just pick a dweeb like Jordan Peterson that sounds like Kermit the Frog cosplaying as a Nazi. That will make him sound tough.

Live Free or Meatball


Can confirm. Miami-Ft Lauderdale-West Palm housing prices are absurd.

Great, I am moving to one of those places in the next few months. Perfect timing.

while i was visiting family in florida last month, i found everything at the Publix at least twice the price of what i was used to paying in middle of nowhere flyover country… but that may be more of an indictment about how much of a nothing place i live in.

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For gods’ sake why man?

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Yeah, Publix is way higher than even other Florida grocers except for maybe Whole Foods. Their stores tend to be nicer/better organized, and their seafood department has a better selection than any other grocery chain around that I have seen, but you simply cannot shop there on price alone. Even their “BOGO” deals are often not as cheap as you could get the same items purchased individually somewhere like Wal mart, Aldi, or Winn Dixie.

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