The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

I once bet on Andrew Cuomo to be Dem nominee, then I actually saw him speak on TV and basically marked my bet a loser at that point.

It’s amazing how some of these guys can pass for human beings inside a given state but once anyone outside it sees them, they are like “what the fuck is this”.


Kind of unfair to blame DeSantis for this given he was running against the leader of a mass suicide cult whose only characteristic is absolute fidelity to the king. Jesus Christ himself was losing to Trump.

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Not even 15 months ago:


I strongly disagree that DeSantis’s failure should primarily be attributed to his alien demeanor, his campaign was doomed from concept. If you couldn’t see this a year ago, I have an NFT of the Brooklyn bridge to show you. Only candidates with the potential to unseat Trump are Andrew Dice Clay or AI Don Rickles imo.


Even in a primary without Trump DeSantis is so unlikeable and shitty he eventually loses once enough people hear him talk. People liked the “idea” of DeSantis, the Florida man shipping immigrants up north and cancelling wokeness. That was never going to be enough to beat Trump this cycle. If he had an ounce of charisma he could be the future but Florida Governor is likely his peak now.

Trump is the single least likable human alive while simultaneously being the single worst public speaker to ever live.


Maybe, but the shadow of Trump completely changed the dynamic. If DeSantis had started as the leader (which in this field he would have without Trump) and just had to play defense he might have been able to ride it out.

Trump is one of the most beloved people in the world and he is objectively a well above average public speaker. Personally, I find him detestable but I would much rather watch him speak as opposed to Obama.

This is the most insane thing I’ve ever seen posted here. It’s like saying someone from my 800lb life is an obviously better sprinter than Usain Bolt.


Yeah, he has charisma but don’t mistake the watchability of a train wreck with quality writing. He just rambles along from one set of dumb talking points to the next. “Bing bing bing” is not above average…

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I promise you that if I lived in a world where someone from my 800lb life beat Usain Bolt in an Olympic sprint, I would nonetheless insist that they are the world’s slowest runner.

His campaign speeches are pretty boring. The media cuts his rambling down to a few sound bites, but what you don’t see is pretty mind numbing. I don’t want to see that Obama on the other hand is a consistently electrifying speaker because all political speeches contain a lot of filler regardless of who it is, but Obama was a much more consistently energetic, coherent and motivational speaker.


Trump has the speaking style of the obnoxious drunk at a house party who pins you in a corner and babbles relentlessly and incoherently while your eyes glaze over and you are reduced to occasionally interjecting “uh-huh un-huh, yeah, windmills are bad, right”.




Trump is horrible when he doesn’t have the spotlight. His rallies at random midwestern dots on the map feel totally contrived.

But when he has the spotlight, and the media is hanging on his every word, he is a beast. He constantly crosses lines that people don’t expect him to cross, and generates absurd amounts of press as he does it. He dominates the narrative like nobody else we’ve seen, and nobody has an answer for it. If we had just written off the Muslim ban comment as rambling nonsense, we probably would never have had Trump v Hawaii. But since the media went apeshit (rightfully so), he realized this is the nerve he needs to keep pinching.

I personally expect him to find his groove when the general heats up, since this strategy doesn’t really work when you’re out there rambling to a bunch of RV salesmen.


Tweet doesn’t post well - just click on it. Wild.


Haha main guy at our client has this quote in his email signature

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