The Future Non-Presidency of Ronald Dion DeSantis

I have a buddy who is big into toastmasters and I’ve attended with him a couple times. It’s good stuff. But I’m also in sales and whether you like it or not, he employs tactics to win over people and successfully drive home points

It’s called Gish gallop and it can be very hard for even an experienced debator to overcome if they weren’t expecting it and didn’t prepare for it. It’s a bullshit tactic, but Trump employs it as good as anyone

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This is decidedly not what Trump does. He just repeats the same one or two points over and over and over. Gish galloping is characterized by a large variety of bullshit.


He’s a horrible public speaker, but he is effective at what he is trying to accomplish.

Not sure if serious

Gish galloping doesn’t refer to his entire body of speaking over year or whatever. In that case, yes, there is a large variety of bullshit.

It refers to his answer to a single question. He never Gish gallops that because that would actually require some skill. He either just changes the topic completely or repeats the same bullshit argument over and over again. He does this because he is dumb and couldn’t come up with or remember 5 unique arguments (even bad ones) pertaining to a single question if his life depended on it.

While his strategy may not be Gish galloping, it may be effective. He has said that he believes if you just keep saying something enough times, people will eventually believe it (and there is probably a lot of truth to that).

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His power is that he gives people the racism and he is not even a little bit ashamed to do it. The speaking style is largely irrelevant.

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If speaking were poker, Trump would be an exploitative player and you have a hard time explaining why he’s crushing the donks despite having a sub-Matusow understanding of GTO poker.


Donald Trump is the Phil Hellmuth of American politics because his success makes clovis fly into an internet rage.


His super power is complete and utter shamelessness.


Remember everyone, the unnamed hidden elitists are ruining this country and definitely not the good honest hardworking Americans who checks notes are too good to fly first class on public airplanes and can only possibly fly on private planes.



His net worth has to be higher than $1.17 million.

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Are they still paying mortgages on other properties?

How great would it be if she dropped Pudding Fingers and made a play for Orange Man, to fulfill her first lady desires? Melania would probably be on board as well. Presumably she gets paid if they get divorced.

“Maybe she should have run."

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Meh, not really. He luckboxed an election in 2016 and has lost three elections since. In no world is this man “crushing” elections.

yeah, that’s my read as well, just adding a few more observations:

  • he is mostly a one-trick publicity whore with a big edge in wrong instincts on anything of substance. remember how he ran on suburbs going to hell? it was a low point for us, but man, does that seem like simpler times now.

  • all three elections he wasted an enormous financial advantage. trmp’s campaigns are being embezzled hand over fist by the likes of parscale.

  • his endorsements are running well below expected returns. he single handedly lost a combined 14 senator-years in Georgia alone, not to mention was 11,800+ votes short himself.

I was referring to the current GOP primary, in which he was clearly “crushing the donks”. I guess the primary isn’t exactly an election, though. I probably should have picked a different word to fix that post.