The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XII: Nevertheless, NFTs!

it really was a million years ago

If enough people register as republicans could we get Kanye into their debates? How does that work?

Usually a subjective decision by the sponsoring network, for early debates 3% polling is enough unless the network deems the campaign a joke.




Kanye polling at 3 percent seems unlikely.

I still strongly thing that Trump is not only the primary favorite, but also by far the best candidate for the Republicans (in terms of winning). I mean, we know for a fact that he will do well and will get people out to the polls and that the race will be close electorally. DeSantis might do as well, I guess, but he is also drawing live to being a Goldwater level loser (and pretty likely imo).

For six years we have been inundated with people who say they like Trump as a president but wish that he would tone it down with the tweets. And this has always been the most transparent bullshit imaginable. His tweets are the best thing about him! They are the very reason he became president! It’s his bulk of his value proposition.

Is the case for DeSantis that a plurality of American voters wants the government to be very serious as they get to the solemn business of being mean to gays, immigrants and um, school librarians? I mean, I’ve been wrong before. But color me skeptical.


The case for Desantis, IMO, is that he just won by 20 points in Florida. Florida is red, but it’s not that red. I understand there are counter arguments for why this result was an anomaly.

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Dewine just won Ohio by 20 and his Senate candidate did much worse than DeSantis’ did.

No chance.

He endorsed Biden in 2020. Like, full-on endorsement, not a half-assed one like Larry Hogan writing in Ronald Reagan.

There is zero tolerance for that in a national primary. He’d win Vermont and would not come close in any other state.

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Not pictured here: The huge inroads that conservatives have made into Spanish-language radio in recent years. It is alive and well and growing stronger in places like south Florida, Texas, California, Arizona, and in other places with large Spanish-speaking populations. And unlike the garden-variety English speaking radio, much of it is unfiltered because the FCC apparently does not monitor it the same was it does other terrestrial radio content because it doesn’t have many Spanish speakers itself.

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Doesn’t the way Republicans run their primaries make it kind of impossible for Trump to lose? I don’t understand all the machinations of it

Dewine is probably a great general election candidate for the Republicans. But he’s never winning a republican primary.

Yeah, it’s winner take all where all a candidate needs is a plurality. So if Trump is getting 30 percent of hte vote and 16 other candidates are dividing the other 70 percent, he’ll win.

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it’d be cool if some moderate republicans started a third party strong enough to throw the election to dems, but i think the best we can do in reality is after the election one or two might admit to writing in john mccain’s ghost


If moderate repubs started a third party the more likely outcome would be siphoning support from the dem candidate and throwing it to the repubs.


Lol, that’s what I thought in 2015. Spoiler alert, it didn’t go well for me


Mitt called Trump a gargoyle.


( truth (lol) | raw text )

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Oof, when you’ve lost Ben Shapiro:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


I don’t think anyone is Cruz.

Everyone pretty much dislikes Cruz. Not the same for Ronnie.